FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER August 11, 2017 Memory Verse Contact Information And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. 1 John 4:16. Test will be on August 25th. Email: Cell: (813) 300-0663. Please email me your email contact information and your cell phone number if you would prefer texts. Spelling Words TAA WEBSIGHT No spelling words this week. Go to: For the latest newsletter and pictures. Subscribe to my page for alerts when I post. I will try to post the newsletter every Friday.
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER Page 2 SNACKS UPCOMING DATES We have a snack time in the afternoon. Please pack a healthy snack for your child to eat at this time. We eat at 11:15, so by 3:00 they are very hungry. August 19: Trash Night August 21-25: DIBELS testing (make sure your child has a good breakfast and goes to sleep early. They test better.) August 28: ½ Day, Teacher Training HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS WEEK AT A GLANCE I tested all the students and will be emailing the words they know and the ones they should be practicing. Please email me so I have your email. This week we got to know each other, we talked about how to treat our friends, we practiced procedures, and we made play dough. We also talked about and compared characters in The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Girl, and the Gingerbread Baby. We learned how to use some of our math manipulatives and how to use and put away our centers.