D 11 Energy, including underwater noise TG NOISE D 11 Energy, including underwater noise Process: TG noise draft consultation & responses to WGGES, NGOs & DGENV
TG NOISE D 11 Recommendations Maintain current criteria, with some minor rewording to improve clarity.
D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame TG NOISE Policy development D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 1. Many policy level issues still exist that cannot be resolved at technical level WG-GES or MSCG to resolve based on document supplied by TG Noise 2015 Policy level initiative required
D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame TG NOISE State & impact indicators D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 2. No “State” or “impact” indicator defined due to low understanding of relationship of underwater noise to state. A “habitat loss” (impact) indicator is probably feasible once current Criteria are implemented (at regional sea scales) 2018 Support for research on defining state and impact indicators for noise.
D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame TG NOISE Implementation D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 3. Difficult to progress with current Criteria if MS have not implemented them MS to be further encouraged to work together to implement current Criteria 2016-17 Member states required to initiate focused implementation of energy and noise criteria
D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame TG NOISE Knowledge base D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame 4. Inadequate knowledge of effects of underwater sound Research projects (defined approximately already in Commission funded project). 2018-19 Research initiatives to be encouraged to improve our knowledge of trends in ambient noise, and effects of impulsive noise, (especially to quantify effects on ecosystem and population levels).
State & impact indicators Implementation Knowledge base TG NOISE D 11 Outstanding Issues, Resolution, Potential Time Frame Summary Policy development State & impact indicators Implementation Knowledge base