Electroweak bosons
The accelerator complex http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1984/meer-lecture.pdf
W e + ν pneutrino pelectron θneutrino θelectron UA1 proton anti-proton Beam pipe θelectron pelectron Transverse plane
(p x sin θ) neutrino (p x sin θ) electron neutrino θneutrino θelectron
W τ + ν 3 charged hadrons from τ (+ “missing” momentum)
The first Z0 boson observed Electron Electron CERN SppS, UA1 experiment, 30 April 1983
Z0 discovery paper Phys.Lett. B126 (1983) 398-410 UA1 collaboration
The Large Electron-Positron Collider 27 km circumference Electron against positron Centre-of-mass energy 90-209 GeV
The Z0 resonance
Number of neutrinos Measure total width from lineshape Predict hadronic cross-section for different numbers of neutrinos
e+e- Z0 Hadrons