Communications Training
Agenda §Welcome & Introductions §Review of todays training §Overview/background of HURT §Whats our job? §Site photos §What to bring/expect §Hands-on (forms, radio, computer)
H.U.R.T.-100 Hawaiian Ultra Running Teams 100 Mile Endurance Race A 36 hour ultramarathon 100 trail runners from many states and several countries Run 100 miles (20 mile loop, 5 times around) All on the trails above Nuuanu, Makiki and Manoa 3 Aid Stations in the 20 mile loopMakiki Nuuanu Manoa
Race course and Aid Stations
Whats our job? §To provide communications support at the 3 aid stations. l To transmit runner times. l To transmit any emergency traffic to/from race headquarters.
Why ham radio? §Aid stations are in valleys that are difficult for cell phones and other forms of communication. §Good practice for emergency communications.
Do we use just ham radio? §No. We use and the internet accessed by air cards or WiFi, depending on what is best at each station.
The Aid Stations Nuuanu Aid Station (Jackass Ginger Trailhead)
Before the comm. Tent was set up. Note the jacket. It gets cold at night.
Runners reaching Nuuanu Aid Station. A few unwanted visitors show up, too.
It gets REALLY dark at night! Bring a flashlight. Aid Station at night. Trailhead.
Makiki Aid Station (Hawaii Nature Center)
Makiki comfort --- Last Year. This year we will be in a tent, just like the other aid stations.
Manoa Aid Station (Paradise Park Parking Lot)
How to get to the sites. Nuuanu X Nuuanu Aid Station
Makiki & Manoa Manoa Aid Stn X Makiki Aid Stn.
Radio Communications §Via linked VHF/UHF repeaters. §A primary and a backup repeater system are available. §Use the Primary unless instructed otherwise. §Radios are preprogrammed with frequencies. §Different sites may access the repeaters differently.
Frequencies (listed in Procedures Manual, p.5 & programmed into the radios) §Manoa Primary: MHz (+) PL Secondary: MHz (+) PL §Makiki Primary: MHz (+) PL Secondary: MHz (+) PL §Nuuanu Primary: MHz (+) PL Secondary: MHz (+) PL Thanks to Rick, KH7O, Kimo, KH7U & Carter, KH6FV for allowing us use of their repeaters for the weekend.
The Details §What to bring §Food §Parking See handout in your manual.
Overview of Forms
Runner Log You receive this form from the station Logger. It will have the most recent list of runners arriving at your station with the time of arrival of each. this info to Makiki.
Fill out this log every time you send or receive a message (radio or ). Communications Log
Drop Out Sheet Lists runners who are not continuing on, i.e., dropping out at your station. It will be filled out by the Station Captain or Logger and given to you to send.
Trouble Sheet Used to log problems as they occur, i.e., need a replacement generator, more food, etc. You send a report of the problem by radio or and log it on this form.
Message Form For formal or detailed messages. Accept messages only from the Station Captain. You may have to write down a verbal message. Dont accept messages from spectators, family, etc.
Website for printouts
HURT 2009 Laptop Procedures
HURT Log-in Enter log-in & password
Create new Click on Address
Select the address Double-click on selected address – Hurt-web
Type the message Type in SubjectType in message Sign your message Click to Send
HURT Runners Sheet If the Runners Sheet is too wide, Click on View, Click on Fit to Width Click on File, Print
Print a copy for Station Captain
Questions/problems during the race? §All procedures are detailed in the Procedure Manual at each station, i.e., how to restart the computer. §The Procedure Manual will have names of people you can contact by radio or phone.
Your Badge §Leave it with us and pick it up when you arrive for your shift. OR §Take it now (but you are responsible for bringing it to the site).