Mrs. Dukes 3rd Grade Room 302 2014-2015
Juliana Curtis Robin Dukes Susan Ellington Jenny Schurdell Camie Tews
Spelling: Choose 2 activities to do each week and turn in by Thursday. Math: Students will have nightly math homework. Reading: Reading logs will be given. Please record how many minutes each night and sign off for each day. There will be reading passages and/or skilled practice worksheets.
Students will be assessed in the following subjects: Math, Reading, Composition/Grammar, Spelling, Science & Social Studies. A90-100 B80-89 C75-79 D70-74 F0-69
Classroom Bank Students will be able to earn credits and debits throughout the school day. Each student has a job that will earn them automatic money. Students then have the opportunity to receive credits and gain more money in their bank account. They also may receive debits, or lose money, when making poor choices. Students receive 2 warnings before they will earn a debit ($1, $5 or $10 debit). At the end of a 2 week pay period, they take their money to the classroom bank and will be able to deposit their money or withdraw money for school coupons at the classroom store.
We are starting a new positive behavior incentive system at SWE We are starting a new positive behavior incentive system at SWE. Students are able to earn starbucks for showing their “Be’s”. Students will be learning the three be’s—Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe. There will be a student of the week for each class and a pep-rally honoring star students. Every month, the grade will make a menu of activities that students can purchase with their starbucks. More information will come as the year goes on! PBIS
8:10-8:25—Community Circle 8:25-9:25—Writing 9:30-10:25—Specials 10:30-11:50- Reading 11:50-12:00— 10 minute math 12:05-1:05— Lunch/Recess 1:10-2:15— Math 2:15-2:50—Science 2:50-3:00—Dismissal
Monday: PE (wear tennis shoes) Tuesday: Music Wednesday: PE (wear tennis shoes) Thursday: Art/Computer Friday: Library/Art * No Specials on Early Release *
Note from Ms. Burgess If your child is to be excused from participation due to illness or injury, they will need a parent note. If they are to be excused for more than three days, a doctor’s note is required according to district policy. Please advise your child to give all notes to their homeroom teacher or the school nurse. Also, if a child has a note and is excused from PE they are not allowed to participate in recess. Wear tennis shoes every Wednesday & Friday! Grading for PE will be run by a point system. PE Grade: 0-3=E, 4-6=S, 7-10=N, 11+=U
Planners: Check planners daily for teacher comments or conduct remarks Planners: Check planners daily for teacher comments or conduct remarks. I will give a weekly conduct grade on Fridays. Please sign in the parent comments section. Blue Folders: Students will use these daily for homework. Please keep all homework in this folder and return every morning. Green Folders: Students will have green folders sent home every Monday (when holidays, Tuesday) with graded work and important papers. Please take out the graded work and keep at home. Look for important papers from the school and for events at SWE.
Remind Texts: Text 4aedc to (469)-507-3731 to receive text messages regarding SWE. SWE Newsletter: Make sure that you receive Mr. Peters weekly newsletters to be in the know with SWE! SWE Webpage: Please visit my webpage to keep up with information and to find resources for our classroom. Conferences: Week of October 27
Phone: 281-641-3064 Email:
3rd Grade Activity Fee $20 will be going towards transportation to field trips, enrichment tools and thematic units in the third grade. Make checks payable to SWE.
Make sure to visit the PTO table in the cafeteria to sign up to be active in our classroom and with Summerwood Elementary!
SWE Parent Breakfast Monday, Aug. 25 from 8:00-9:00 in the cafeteria. Visit with other parents, PTO members and the principals! Parents will be able to write their child a letter that will be delivered during the school day. Breakfast sponsored by our Summerwood HEB.
Early Release & Labor Day This Friday is an early release day! Please have plans to pick your child up at 12:00. Monday, September 1, is a school holiday!