Welcome to Software Engineering-2
Course Instructor Instructor: Dr. Abeer S. Al-Humaimeedy Office: Building 6, 3rd floor, office T25 Office hours: “not fixed” Sun, Tue, & Thur: 9-10, 12-1. Email: abeer@ksu.edu.sa Website: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/abeer/home
Course Description
Course Syllabus Architectural Design 2 Topics # Weeks Architectural Design 2 Software Design and Implementation Software testing & integration Software evolution and maintenance Software Quality Management 2 1/2 Software configuration 1 1/2 Selected Topics in SWE: Service Oriented Software Engineering 1 Software Reuse TOTAL 14
Course TextBook Main Textbook: Main Textbook: Software Engineering. I. Sommerville, 10th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2015. Other supplementary materials: Software Engineering. a practitioner’s approach, R S. Pressman, 7th edition, MacGrawHIll. 2. Modern Systems Analysis and Design. Jeffrey Hoper, Joey George, & Joseph Valacich, 7th Edition, Pearson, 2014.
Course Blog https://IT323blog.wordpress.com
Assessment & Course Policies
Assessment Methods & Grading Scheme Course Work (60%) 2* Quiz 10% 2* Midterms 30% 1* Project 20% Final (40%) Final Exam - 40%
Important Dates Exam Date Quiz#1 Week #4: Thurs 12-1-1438 / 13-10-2016 (12-1) Quiz#2 Week #10: Thurs 24-2-1438 / 24-11-2016 (12-1) Mid#1 Thurs Mid#2 Final Exam Thurs 21-4-1438 (8-11)
Exams & Classes Policies Attend in your registered sections of lectures and labs as appear in your schedule. NO changes will be allowed. Mobiles should be silent during classes. Mobiles should be turned off during classes. NO make up exams, exceptions will be considered with evidence (SL) and the approval (EC). Exams are closed book so do not bring any external notes or papers. Mobiles, Translators and Borrowing are NOT allowed in the exams. Academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited, and both parties will be penalized.
Attendance is a University requirement New Attendance Policies for the college Attendance is a University requirement 1. Anyone with absence of 25% or more will be barred from entering the final exam, NO EXCEPTIONS will be made (even if the student is in her final Semester). 2. NO medical excuses should be accepted as a way for deducting the number of absence days (25% of allowed absence in a Semester is actually there for the purpose of such health or other emergency circumstances). 3. A medical excuse may only be used in the case that a student misses an exam (to allow for a make-up exam), however, the absence should still be counted. 4. Students are allowed to enter the classroom, even if they are late to arrive. However, after 15 minutes of being late, the student will be considered absent.
Email Policies Include your subject in any emails: EX: [IT323] Questions Argent Emails EX: [IT323] Questions *Urgent*
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Welcome aboard.. have fun!