Interoperability as a cornerstone for EIONET Jan Bliki 27 November 2008
The strategic perspective for SEIS towards 2020 The current data flows Live Information Systems Member states Organisations Member states Organisations One-way flow of information Humans to system Different formats (colors) Package data deliveries Omnipresent flow of information System to system One standard Live data deliveries OGC ?
INSPIRE in GI standards
European Environment Agency as Technical Committee Member For OGC Since July 2007
Web-service Providers Application Providers Data Providers WMS/WFS SWE/WFS-T/WCS Application Demandeur Data Demandeur End User End User
National Datasets to one unified European Dataset + + + National level + + + European level
National Datasets to one unified European Dataset + + + National level + + + European level Hourly data Daily data Monthly data
Improvement of EEA’s data/information flows (500 dataflows in ReportNet) 60% Questionairs 30% Standalone systems 10% Online systems
Data flow structure National system Object Based EU system Table 2 Table 1 Table 5 Table 4 Table 3 Object Based EU system Dataset Based
Type A Type B Type C Type D Data flow frequency High frequency Object Based Dataset Based ReportNet (500 Dataflows)
Data flow structure National system Object Based EU system Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 EU system Dataset Based
Type A Type B Type C Type D Data flow frequency High frequency OzoneWeb (2 Dataflows) Type A Type B Type C Type D Object Based High Frequency = Once a week, day, hour Low Frequency = Once a Month, Year, 2 Years Datasets we talk about in Type A is probably not more then 10% today. Type D = Questionair, small, one report per country, … , Slow changing databases such as Natura 2000?!? Slow changes makes this flow very costly. (Monitoring/infrastructure != possible) Spatial reference data not changing offten. (Lakes, Rivers, Land change) most probably is cheaper in a Type D rather then Type A Type A would be perfect for Monitoring stations, National system filled all year arround, Flood monitoring, Air stations, etc..., Interpolation results from other services feeding other services. Dataset Based ReportNet (500 Dataflows)
Similarities in data flows Fully automated flow !! Change Send Receive Aggregate INTEROPERABILITY = Using standards Measurement Values Co2 NoX Count Spatial Component Parameters Time of change Nuts code Grouping Country Rules Filtering Validation Aggregation Merge Goal should be that ”the less we need to think about the technical implementations, the easier agreements and re-use of data will be possible”
”the less we need to re-invent how data flows; the easier data flows”