Task force for the strategic project on the development & use of common ESS tools and services for dissemination Luxembourg 23 & 24/05/2013 Marc Vanderperren,


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Presentation transcript:

Task force for the strategic project on the development & use of common ESS tools and services for dissemination Luxembourg 23 & 24/05/2013 Marc Vanderperren, ESTAT.B6

VIP Enhanced Dissemination Chain Actions Deliverables 1 Development towards a Eurostat / ESS data warehouse Strategy (context: enterprise architecture) Checking algorithms in Eurobase Simplification and integration of the Eurostat Dissemination Chain More functionality for producing and disseminating Eurostat policy indicators 2 3 ESTAT Dissemination Processes Impact Manager Possible direct connection betw. Data Explorer & Eurobase New production line for indicator tables Flexible dashboards for policy indicators 4 More integration of Eurostat data and metadata in NSI dissemination Embeddable visualisation tool SDMX-compliant web services 4

VIP Enhanced Dissemination Chain Actions Deliverables 1 Development towards a Eurostat / ESS data warehouse Simplification and integration of the Eurostat Dissemination Chain More functionality for producing and disseminating Eurostat policy indicators 2 3 4 More integration of Eurostat data and metadata in NSI dissemination Embeddable visualisation tool SDMX-compliant web services 5

Widgets Widgets analysis & design UI specs per component / Use cases / Supplementary specifications Data consumption architecture validation & early prototype NSI – specs validation Development by Eurostat 6 NSIs - 1st delivery for funct. validation EC vulnerability & load testing 6 NSIs - Early production other NSIs - Delivery for testing all (NSIs) - Production

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