Connectivity reporting mechanism March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Connectivity reporting mechanism Authors: Date: May 17, 2006 Name Organization E-Mail Jarkko Kneckt Nokia Juha Salokannel Carl Wijting Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http://>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <>. Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Abstract The proposal contains robustness enhancements for the BB role switch for LW-MP networks. It proposes a reporting mechanism to obtain network connectivity information and to be able to distribute this information among the STAs in the network. The connectivity information is used to: - Select the next BB - Make recovery rules for missed beacons Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Beacon Broadcaster Enhancements - Outline May 2006 Beacon Broadcaster Enhancements - Outline Problem setting Connectivity reporting, by using multicasted connectivity reports Connectivity report use in BB selection Connectivity reporting, robustness for recovery from the missing beacon Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Operation principles of the LW-MPs in short May 2006 Operation principles of the LW-MPs in short The LW-MPs create a network, where terminals communicate over a single hop. LW-MPs do not support data forwarding over multiple hops. Data is transmitted over a single hop . The LW-MPs need to get information of the available nodes within a single hop in order to select the communicating party. The LW-MPs are usually battery powered devices. Efficient power save for the devices is needed. Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
May 2006 Problem setting BB role should be switched from device to another at time to time to balance the power consumption among the devices. How to select the device to whom switch the role? Try to avoid breaking connectivity in the network, avoid switching BB role for devices which are unfavorably located (STA2 & 3 in example) BB role selection is not trivial in cases where one or more devices notice old BB has disappeared – or some devices think it has disappeared and some other can still hear the BB. BB role selection is not trivial in cases where a device can hear more than one BB. The selection is based on Connectivity Reports Example topology STA3 STA1;BB STA2 STA5 STA4 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Connectivity reporting, by using multicasted connectivity reports May 2006 Connectivity reporting, by using multicasted connectivity reports Multicasted connectivity reporting is performed during the DTIM ATIM periods, so that each terminal is active to receive the report. The connectivity report is used to share information of the received beacons and transmissions from other terminals. All nodes send connectivity reports. BB may change the connectivity reporting periodicity, depending on the mobility and connectivity of the terminals. The connectivity reports should be transmitted quite seldom in order to avoid congestions during the ATIM periods and to keep ATIM periods short. 1. Connectivity report Reporting period 2. Connectivity report 3. Connectivity report 4. Connectivity report 5. Connectivity report 6. Connectivity report Example topology 7. Connectivity report STA3 8. Connectivity report STA1;BB STA2 STA 1, BB STA 2 STA 3 STA 4 STA4 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Connectivity report use in BB selection May 2006 Connectivity report use in BB selection STA 4 is not able to receive frames from STA1 (currently BB) and from STA 3. STA1 sees this information from connectivity reports and selects the STA 2 as new BB. 1. Connectivity report Reporting period 2. Connectivity report 3. Connectivity report = heard connectivity report 4. Connectivity report = not heard connectivity report 1. Connectivity report 2. Connectivity report STA1;BB Example topology STA3 3. Connectivity report 4. Connectivity report STA2 1. Connectivity report STA4 STA 1, old BB STA 2 STA 3 STA 4 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Connectivity Reports usage to maintain network May 2006 Connectivity Reports usage to maintain network The connectivity reports from other nodes operate as beacon frames. If the beacon in the network is not heard, the connectivity reports may replace it. So terminals that hear connectivity reports do not start to transmit beacon frames. Recovery mechanisms: If connectivity reports indicate that none of receivers have received a beacon within 3 DTIM beacon intervals and a connectivity reporting interval from the last received beacon from any terminal has elapsed, the node(s) that has the largest amount of connectivity to other terminals starts to compete on the beacon transmission opportunity After 5 DTIM beacon intervals and a connectivity reporting interval + 2 DTIM beacon period from the last received beacon from any terminals has elapsed, the other nodes may start to compete on the beacon transmission opportunities. Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Controlling the Connectivity reporting May 2006 Controlling the Connectivity reporting The connectivity reports are transmitted to address that is specified in beacon frame. Beacon specifies the connectivity reporting interval. The Connectivity Reporting MAC address in BB’s Beacon frame contains the MAC addresses of the LW-MPs in the network The beacon broadcaster controls the reporting mechanism in the network. The Reporting Interval specifies integer value of DTIM TBTTs for connectivity report transmission interval. Value 0 defines that connectivity reporting is not used in the network. The reporting Address defines the multicast address that is used for Connectivity Reporting frames. The reporting address may be multicast, unicast or broadcast address. Neighbor list element MP Control field Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Connectivity report frame May 2006 Connectivity report frame The connectivity report element contains the connectivity control field and a list of the terminals where a connectivity report is received during the previous 2 connectivity reporting intervals. The Connectivity Control field: The TBTTs from last received beacon fiels is used to indicate an integer amount of TBTT intervals from the last received beacon frame from the network. Value 0 means that TBTT or less time has elapsed from the last received beacon, value 16 means that 16 or more TBTTs have elapsed from the last received beacon frame. The Designated BB field is used to indicate that the current beacon broadcaster is a designated beacon broadcaster that operates according to the scheme described in section 6.12.8. The BB switch field is used to indicate the change of the beacon broadcaster. If the bit in the DTIM frame is set to 1, the next beacon shall be sent by the MP whose MAC address is the first one in the neighbor list. The BB PS state field indicates whether the beacon broadcaster is using power save mode. If BB PS state bit is set to 1, then beacon broadcaster sends only DTIM frames. If BB PS state bit is set to 0, then beacon broadcaster is awake all the time. Connectivity Report element Connectivity Control field Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Back up Presenting Solution for problems defined in: May 2006 Back up Presenting Solution for problems defined in: 11-06-0581-r0 (Kazuyuki Sakoda, Sony) Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 The example is illustrating how the following criteria are met with connectivity reporting: Selection of the best beacon broadcaster(s) Robustness for beaconing, recovery if the beacon is not transmitted Providing solution that operates even if any MP is selected to be BB Connectivity reports exchange within one reporting period MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Selection of the best beacon broadcaster(s) March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Selection of the best beacon broadcaster(s) The MPs#3, MP#4 and MP#6 have the largest amount of receivers within the network. The best choice for BB is any of these LW-MPs. If the beaconing terminal is removed from the network, these MPs will start to beacon first, which offers higher priority for these MPs to return as BB. The reduced set of TXOP obtainers results to more probable beaconing. Connectivity reports exchange within one reporting period MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 Scenario 1. MP#1 operates as BB. Connectivity reports show that only MP2 receives beacon and MP3 gets a connectivity report, which has information of the received beacon. Among MP#4, MP#5 and MP#6 one terminal may start to transmit beacons, because connectivity reports from surrounding MPs indicate that no beacons have been received. MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 Scenario 2. MP#2 operates as BB. Connectivity reports show that only MP#1 and MP#3 receives beacon and MP3 gets a connectivity report, which has information of the received beacon. MP#5 may start to transmit beacons, because connectivity reports from surrounding MPs indicate that no beacons have been received. MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 Scenario 3. MP#3 operates as BB. Connectivity reports show that MP#2, MP#4 and MP#6 receives beacon and MP3 gets a connectivity report, which has information of the received beacon. No other MP transmits beacons, because connectivity report shows that surrounding MPs have received a beacon MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 Scenario 4. MP#4 operates as BB. Connectivity reports show that MP#3, MP#6 and MP#5 receives beacon and MP2 gets a connectivity report, which has information of the received beacon. MP#1 transmits beacons, because connectivity report shows that surrounding MP#2 has not received a beacon MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 Scenario 5. MP#5 operates as BB. Connectivity reports show that only MP#6 and MP#4 receives beacon and MP3 gets a connectivity report, which has information of the received beacon. MP#1 or MP#2 operates as BB, because connectivity report shows that surrounding MPs have not received beacon MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 Scenario 6. MP#6 operates as BB. Connectivity reports show that MP#3, MP#4 and MP#6 receives beacon and MP2 gets a connectivity report, which has information of the received beacon. MP#1 transmits beacons, because connectivity report shows that surrounding MP#2 has not received a beacon MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia
Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-Mesh-networking-proposal-Nokia/0xxxr0 May 2006 Case on BB role selection, Example from 11-06-0581-r0 Summary: Any MP can be selected as BB and still there will be only one beacon transmitted in the coverage of the MP. In all cases there is at maximum 2 BBs, which leads to system stability. MP#1 MP#2 MP#3 MP#4 MP#5 MP#6 Jarkko Kneckt et al., Nokia Stefano Faccin et al., Nokia