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How do I get into the fair? How to register for FREE: 1) Get out your laptop and sign onto: 2) Go to the Register Tab and create a Login Name! 3) Fill out the required registration fields and you will be immediately brought into the event space! ENJOY!
What Can Students Do at CollegeWeekLive? Visit with hundreds of colleges from around the country - live, online Interact directly with admissions representatives Ask the burning questions you have been wondering, but may have been too nervous to ask in person! Interact directly with current students: Find out the best dorm to live on campus, the diversity amounts on campus, the best food in the Caf! Live video presentations on key topics (admissions, financial aid, etc.): Presentations made by professionals in the college admissions field. Some key topics such as: – Eating healthy as a Freshman – Writing the perfect admissions essay – Dealing with your first roommate
Upcoming CollegeWeekLive Events Page 4 DateEventDescription September 14, 2011Diversity Day This is a special event for minority students to connect with colleges and find out the unique opportunities/financial aid available to them at the colleges. October 5, 2011Ohio Day This event is for students looking to study at a college or university in Ohio. October 6, 2011 University of California System Day This event features colleges that are part of the University of California system. October 13, 2011International Day In partnership with EducationUSA, this event is for non U.S. students looking to study in the U.S. October 19, 2011 University of Alaska System Day This event features colleges that are part of the University of Alaska System. November 2&3, 2011CollegeWeekLive FALLOver 250 colleges and 50,000 students. Geared towards high school seniors. Bentley UniversityUniversity of Texas at Austin Santa Fe CollegeRoger Williams College Michigan Tech UniversitySavanna College of Art & Design Miami Dade CollegeGreat Lakes Maritime Academy Stony Brook UniversityUniversity of Florida University of Saint FrancisGrand View University NC State UniversityUNC School of the Arts UC San DiegoUC Riverside UC Santa BarbaraClayton State University John Cabot UniversityKettering University University of AL TuscaloosaKings College London The Following Schools Are Hosting Open Houses With CollegeWeekLive During Fall 2011: For a Full List of Schools see: For a full list of events see:
Dont forget – We have SCHOLARSHIP contests nearly every event so dont forget to participate!