TURKEY Turkey is a country located in the Asian continent. Covered with Sea on three sides, a magnificent city.
HİSTORY TURKEY Steeped in history, natural beauty, and a separate culture for me. History binds people to separate yourself.
THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION IN TURKEY From north to south , from west to East sightseeing places are many. Since it is usually to many of the tourism sites of the Mediterranean region has been a focus of interest for tourists.
MEDITERRANEAN REGION IN TURKEY The Mediterranean region is located in the Mugla - Bodrum tourists, I can say that is a paradise for sightseeing.
Then Izmir , Istanbul , Ankara, Bursa , Sivas , Erzurum Then Izmir , Istanbul , Ankara, Bursa , Sivas , Erzurum... worth visiting mosques , mountains , historical buildings and natural beauty with the President.
Izmir is another is in the ancient city of Ephesus , there are many historical paces to visit, spectacular sea is worth seeing and attractions is another. Another one is Manisa which is located in bird Island , the ancient city of Sardis , Ordinances spas , Kula houses is another. Nevşehir, is famous for its fairy chimneys. My country is worth seeing for all ages from seven to seventy.