The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 5: Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany Witness History Audio: The Nazis in Control of Germany The Weimar Republic’s Rise and Fall The democratic government known as the Weimar Republic suffered from the competition of too many small parties and economic disasters. Still, it was a prolific time for artists, who stimulated new movements, such as Dadaism. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What did the narrator fear most that night?” (She was afraid of being killed.) “What does her experience suggest about the Nazis’ methods?” (Sample: ruthless) When showing Color Transparency 172, have students predict what kind of leader he would be. When showing color Transparency 173, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. Note Taking Transparency 170 1 of 8
The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 5: Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany The Nazi Party’s Rise to Power The Great Depression and the feeling that the Weimar government was weak, led to the rise of Adolf Hitler. He appealed to veterans, workers, the lower middle classes, and business people with his promises to rearm Germany, create jobs, and end reparations. Color Transparency 172: Hitler at Nuremburg Stadium Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What did the narrator fear most that night?” (She was afraid of being killed.) “What does her experience suggest about the Nazis’ methods?” (Sample: ruthless) When showing Color Transparency 172, have students predict what kind of leader he would be. When showing color Transparency 173, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. The Third Reich Controls Germany Hitler and the Nazis moved quickly to change Germany’s course. They put people to work through public works programs; they terrorized dissenters; they placed restrictions on Jews, who were blamed for Germany’s loss in World War I; and they denounced modern art and Christianity. 2 of 8
The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 5: Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany Authoritarian Rule in Eastern Europe Just as in Germany, many nations in Eastern Europe came under dictatorships. Ethnic and religious conflicts rose in the new states of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia and elsewhere. Color Transparency 173: Ethnic Groups of Eastern Europe, 1936 Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What did the narrator fear most that night?” (She was afraid of being killed.) “What does her experience suggest about the Nazis’ methods?” (Sample: ruthless) When showing Color Transparency 172, have students predict what kind of leader he would be. When showing color Transparency 173, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency QuickTake Chapter Test 3 of 8
The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 5 Note Taking Transparency 170 4 of 8
The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 5 Color Transparency 172: Hitler at Nuremburg Stadium 5 of 8
The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 5 Color Transparency 173: Ethnic Groups of Eastern Europe, 1936 6 of 8
The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 5 Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2) 7 of 8
The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 5 Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2) 8 of 8