Access to NOAC Therapy:
Program Goals
Appropriate Use of Anticoagulants in the Setting of NVAF
Drug Initiation of Dabigatran or Warfarin in Patients With AF (2014)
Influence of Anticoagulant Dosing Orbit AF II Registry
Anticoagulant Adherence
OAC is the Most Effective Medicine for Stroke Prevention
Bleeding Risk With NOACs
Higher Copays Associated With Treatment Abandonment or Delay
Burden and Barriers to Adherence
ARISTOTLE: Apixaban vs Warfarin in AF
Care Delivery: Prevention of Thrombosis
Meds-To-Beds Program
General Approach to NOAC Use in Treatment of AF
Patient Assistance Programs
Methods to Improve Patient Adherence and Empower Patients with AF
Applications for the Clinician
Non-Medical Switching: A Prescription for Disaster
NATF Patient Support Group
Tools to Help Patients Understand the Importance of Treatment in AF
Guidelines on NOAC Use in AF
The Impact of Educational Intervention (IMPACT-AF)
AVERROES Trial: Apixaban vs Aspirin
Warfarin vs Aspirin for Stroke Prevention in AF
Events Leading to Discontinuation of OAC
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)