1. What is the name of the monk who studied genetics during the 1800’s?
2. What do we call the study of inherited characteristics?
3. What do we call the type of trait that masks the presence of another trait?
4. What do we call an organism that has had the same characteristics for many generations?
5. Which trait is expressed? Hh (H=curly and h=straight)
6. Which trait is expressed? hh (H=curly and h=straight)
7. Is this purebred or is it hybrid? Hh
8. What do we call the passing of characteristics from parents to offspring?
9. What did Mendel transfer from one flower to another?
10. What type of trait is only shown if the organism is purebred for that trait?
1. Gregor Mendel 2. genetics 3. dominant 4. purebred 5. curly
6. straight 7. hybrid 8. inheritance 9. pollen 10. recessive