Where we start from… Iterative process using existing data sources – including gap assessment Annual review by programmes to reach agreement on what will strengthen existing systems – add new that are useful, subtract what is no longer required
Purpose of activities Purpose of activities – who this for? WHO to co-ordinate collaborative TB/HIV data collection at international level The ProTest ‘carrot’ of IPT/CPT is no longer appropriate – ARVs as part of the package of prevention and care TB systems are currently strong & used as proxy for analysing the HIV driver for TB infection Strengthen HIV surveillance (including second generation)
Purpose of collecting data Policy makers Operational management Client/Facility District/Region/Province National International Donor/research
Planning & management Links with existing data collection & systems Can/should we integrate TB & HIV data ? Who should ‘own’ the data?
Collection Process Who collects? What at what level? Clinic held records Client held records Registers Unique identifier number would be really helpful!
Process Collection, QC,supervision Analysis and use of data, including feedback
Tools Development & process Relationship with general records? Checklists liked by nurses Useful for training/supervision Capacity for separate systems