The Value of SBE/AGEP John Mohr Univ of Calif, Santa Barbara 2007 AAAS Meetings, San Francisco, CA Session: "Broadening Participation in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences" 12/6/2018
Introduction What is the Value of SBE/AGEP? Why Spend the $ ? 12/6/2018
Introduction Paper in association with the SBE/AGEP Steering Committee Karen Cook (Stanford University) & Robert Hummer (Univ. of Texas) Outline… 12/6/2018
Why Spend NSF $? 2006NSF Strategic Plan: 4 Strategic Outcome Goals (1) Discovery: Foster research to advance the frontiers of knowledge (2) Learning: Cultivate a world class, broadly inclusive science and engineering workforce (3) Research Infrastructure: Instrumentation, etc. (4) Stewardship: Capable & Responsive Org. 12/6/2018
Learning: Cultivate a world-class, broadly inclusive science and engineering workforce. (1980) The Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act gave NSF standing authority to support activities to improve the participation of women and minorities in science and engineering. 12/6/2018
Key Strategy of AGEP—Faculty Broaden Participation in Science Faculty — A Goal in itself (as part of Broadening Participation Mandate) But Also — Instrumental to other broadening participation goals Role Models Mentors Outreach 12/6/2018
Broadening Participation in Higher Education — Some Progress Census Data: Age 25-29 College Graduate 1959 4.6% Black ? Hispanic (11.9% White) 1974 7.9% Black 5.7% Hispanic (22.0% White) 2004 16.9% Black 10.9% Hispanic (28.9% White) 12/6/2018
Broadening Participation in Faculty Ranks — Less Progress Full Time Faculty with Tenure White (Non-Hispanic) 84.9% Black (Non-Hispanic) 4.5% Hispanic 2.9% Asian/Pacific Islander 6.1% Amer. Indian/Alaska Native .4% Race/ethnicity unknown .5% Nonresident Alien .7% (Source U.S. Dept of Education IPED Winter 2003-2004) 12/6/2018
Broadening Participation in Science/Engineering Faculty — Even Less Progress Faculty in Science/Engineering Fields White (Non-Hispanic) 80.5% Black (Non-Hispanic) 3.8% Hispanic 3.0% Asian/Pacific Islander 11.5% (Source: National Scence Foundation) 12/6/2018
Broadening Participation in Science/Engineering Faculty — The Good News Faculty in Science/Engineering Fields Tenured or on Tenure Track White (Non-Hispanic) 81.5% Black (Non-Hispanic) 81.8% Hispanic 80.0% Asian/Pacific Islander 78.8% (Source: National Scence Foundation) 12/6/2018
Learning: Cultivate a world-class, broadly inclusive science and engineering workforce. Clear Need Progress being made Main Task, increase # of Ph.D. students 12/6/2018
Learning: Cultivate a world-class, broadly inclusive science and engineering workforce. In addition to Goal of Broader Participation Goal of Promoting Better Science Education also demands diversity 12/6/2018
Diversity — Enhances quality of education. Increasingly globalized world Much Scientific Evidence Diversity Enhances Learning Michigan Supreme Court Decision (O’Connor) 12/6/2018
Diversity — Enhances quality of education. Does Diversity Make a Difference? (2000) American Council on Education & American Assoc. of University Professors (Classroom studies) Patricia Gurin (Michigan) (Survey Evidence) Anthony Antonio (Stanford) (Cognitive Psych) 12/6/2018
Learning: Cultivate a world-class, broadly inclusive science and engineering workforce. Mandate and a Need for Broadening Participation (especially at Faculty Level) Diversity in Educational Settings a Valued Good in itself 12/6/2018
Discovery: Foster research to advance the frontiers of knowledge. Social Science — Very Clear that bringing women and under-represented minorities onto the research faculty critical to producing excellent science Demographic Change since 1970’s 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent Social Science. My Dept 32 Faculty: 19 Men 13 Women 21 White 4 African-American 4 Hispanic 3 Other (Chinese, Philippine, Indian) 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent Social Science. Why Diversity Matters? Scientific Fact — Race, Class, Gender huge impact on every measured outcome. Prime Goal of Social Science understand how these institutions operate, how they are internalized, resisted, transformed 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent Social Science. Why Diversity Matters? (1) Methodologically (Access, Insight) (2) Perspective (Feminist Theory ex.) (3) Exchange (Faculty as synergistic) White Guys Can’t Jump -- But they can learn. Diversity Changes the Mix of thinking (Corporate) 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent STEM Science? 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent STEM Science? Direct Effect? A more diverse faculty (Gender & Race) lead to better science? Papadopoulos, Greg. 2006. “Engineering field must have diversity.” CNET News, October 5, 2006 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent STEM Science? Indirect Effect? Increasingly STEM and Social Sciences are tightly coupled and interdependent. The more Good STEM Science is Dependent on Good Social Science, then the more Good STEM Science is dependent on Greater Diversity in Social Science 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent STEM Science? Increasingly tightly coupled and interdependent STEM & SBE Sciences (1) Science & Technology increasingly able to Protect humanity from the ravages of nature. & (2) Science & Technology increasingly has ability to harm humanity (3) Science itself becoming increasingly social 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent STEM Science? (1) Science & Technology increasingly able to Protect humanity from the ravages of nature: Natural disasters like Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Recent Tsunami disaster (Also) Man-made disasters such as terrorism (e.g., 9/11) 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent STEM Science? (2) Science & Technology increasingly has ability to harm/influence humanity Global Climate Change Biotechnology Cultural Changes (TV, Computing, etc.) 12/6/2018
Discovery: Diversity Critical for Excellent STEM Science? (3) Science itself becoming increasingly social. Larger systems of social organization, collaboration Larger technology, cyber-infrastructure Interface between nanotechnology and human social cognition 12/6/2018
Conclusion: SBE/AGEP Worth its salt? Broadens Participation at Faculty Level (Critical Juncture) Diversity Enhances Educational Excellence Diversity Direct Positive Impact on Quality of SBE Science Diversity Direct Positive Impact on Quality of STEM Science Diversity Indirect Positive Impact on Quality of STEM Science (through increases quality of SBE Science) 12/6/2018