Infoservices(India) Infoservices(India)
Services provided=Advantages for you 32 basic computer courses Company identity card Work experience Placement and job assistance Discounts on education Booking a flat Discount on flats Med claim up to 1 lakh Lucky draw Personality development Scholarship Business plan
32 Basic Computer Courses Obtain the various Computer courses with no requirement of books and bags, no classrooms & no age barrier Right from your home or workplace pursue your computer course online
Company Identity Card Level of Professionalism By not only having a dress code, behaviour & Attitude but also by providing ID cards Provides the Identity for each member Proof at any point during a members travel Signifies Employee Branding & respect in Workplace
Work experience Get double experience By continuing your current job + By joining us (Joinus) & getting more members enrolled. Advantages: Gain value in your work profile Gain inside knowledge about us Permanent Employment assurance Scope for freshers & unemployed
Job assistance Will assist you if you are looking for a job Will keep in mind your personality and educational background. To provide this assistance will ask only for your Resume at the time of your registration with the company.
Discount on education Collaboration with over National & International schools and colleges all over India. Thus providing better education facilities Discounts provided on education starting anywhere from 10+2, under & post-graduation or diploma to you or your children.
Flat booking Link up with the Top builders in the country. We will understand your requirements, budget, location and desire and accordingly help in choosing the best property. We book flats for you with absolutely NO COST.
Discount on flats Company provides discounts on every flats purchased. Member purchasing a flat if referred by companys associate then this associate would gain 2 points (1 point=Rs.50000). Note:- This scheme of gaining points is only for associates of the company.
Mediclaim upto 1 lakh Payment of additional premium = Medical expense reimbursement covered. Note: Expenses payable only if claim is under the basic policy cover. Policy covers: Accidental death loss of limbs permanent total and partial disablement as selected by and granted by the insurance companies based on th based underwriting norms & all this is covered for a period of 1 year
Lucky draw lucky draw every month Four wheeler Two wheeler Washing machine Television Cell phone Branded watch, laptop, and many other prizes
Personality development Company helps you to develop your personality, which will improve your lifestyle, personality, level of confidence and to achieve your goals.
Scholarship joinus provides you scholarship to get your first step at the doors of any university or college of your choice and to full fill your needs.
Business plan How to do the business through networking? How to grow your network and earn more? How to gain royalty in the Company?
Left you Right Level 1You get =Rs 2,000 YOU
LeftRight Level 1 Level 2 You get =Rs 2,000 YOU
LeftRight Level 1 Level 2 YOU You get =Rs 2,000
LeftRight Level 1 Level 2 YOU You get =Rs 2,000 Level 3
LeftRight Level 1 YOU You get =Rs 2,000 Level 2 Level 3 You get =Rs 2,000
LeftRight Level 1 YOU Rs 2,000 Level 2 Level 3 ITS NOT COMPULSARY TO BALANCE THE NETWORK
1 ST ORBIT Steps No of sales Cumulative Sales Commissions (Rupees) Step 1 1st 2sales 2 Rs.2,000/- Step 2 Next 4 sales 6 Rs.2,000/- Step 3 Next 8 sales 14 Rs.4,000/- Step 4 Next 16 sales 30 Rs.4,000/- Step 5 Next 32 sales 62 Rs.12,000/- ONE ORBIT = 62 sales, Total Payout = Rs.24,000/- Note: Applies only if first Orbit completed within a year.
2 nd ORBITS ONWARDS Steps No of sales Cumulative Sales Commissions(Rupees) Step 1 1st 2sales 2 Rs.2,000/- Step 2 Next 4 sales 6 Rs.2,000/- Step 3 Next 8 sales 14 Rs.4,000/- Step 4 Next 16 sales 30 Rs.4,000/- Step 5 Next 32 sales 62 Rs.8,000/- ONE ORBIT = 62 sales, Total Payout = Rs.20,000/- Note: Applies only if first Orbit completed within a year.
TOTAL SALES 8190/62 = ORBITS So if you achieve this orbits in a year and per orbit if you get 20,000. Then its become 20,000 * 132 = 26,40,000 And your yearly income will be rs.26,40,000 The current first orbit rate is rs.24,000, the second orbit onwards rate is rs.20,000 and maximum weekly commission earned by any associate is rs.1,00000 (We are not making any income claim as it all depends on personal efforts, complete dedication, hard work of the individual and commitment to the program). Disclaimer: this illustration is for example purpose only(calculated considering an average orbit rate of Rs. 20,000 which may fluctuate) and does not in anyway represent, project or guarantee any ones individual performance or income
Pin Details Silver AssociateAssociate completes one orbit. Gold AssociateProduce one Silver Associate on left and one on right sale organization.. Diamond Associate Produce one Gold Associate on left and one on right sale organization. Diplomat Produce one Diamond Associate on left and one on right sale organization. Silver Diplomat Produce one Diplomat on left and one on right sale organization + must earn 4 consecutive weekly commissions cheques that should be minimum of 1 orbit. Gold Diplomat Produce one Silver Diplomat on left and one on right sale organization. Diamond DiplomatProduce one Gold Diplomat on left and one on right sale organization. Ambassador Produce one Diamond Diplomat on left and one on right sale organization. Silver AmbassadorProduce one Ambassador on left and one on right sale organization. Gold Ambassador Produce one Silver Ambassador on left and one on right sale organization. Diamond Ambassador Produce one Gold Ambassador on left and one on right sale organization. Chairman CircleProduce one Diamond Ambassador on left and one on right sale organization.
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