Diversity 101 Lisa Annese CEO, Diversity Council Australia
Presented by Lisa Annese, CEO, Diversity Council Australia
Diversity 101 It is not the strongest of the species that survives, Nor the most intelligent…. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Charles Darwin
Diversity 101: What is Diversity? EEO Groups?
Diversity 101: What is Diversity?
Diversity 101: State of Play for Women 11 female CEOs in the ASX200 8.2% Directors on ASX 4.9% senior executives WGEA Number of women in the Federal Parliament (32%) Pay Gap 15.7%
Diversity 101: State of Play for Women CURRENT SNAPSHOT: 1 in 3 Women will experience physical and or sexual violence in their lifetime. White Ribbon 2014 1 in 5 women will experience harassment in the workplace. White Ribbon 2014 Fulltime Gender Pay gap in Australia in 2016 = 16% or $261.30 per week. WEGEA 2017 Women retire with $80k in superannuation. Less than half of men at retirement age. Per Capita 2017
Diversity 101: Cracking Glass Cultural Ceiling In 2015 if ASX directors were 100 people, how many would be? Culturally Diverse Women? 2. Anglo Celtic Women 3. Culturally Diverse Men? 4. Anglo Celtic Men?
Diversity 101: Cracking Glass Cultural Ceiling
Diversity 101: Mental Health & Wellbeing In Australia, it's estimated that 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. In any one year, around 1 million Australian adults have depression, and over 2 million have anxiety. Every day 8 Australians die by suicide. Beyond Blue
Diversity 101: The State of Inclusion
Diversity 101: What is Inclusion?
Diversity 101: What is Inclusion?
Diversity 101: Business Case Performance & Sustainability Access to Talent Pools Access to markets Culture & Engagement Innovation & Creativity
Diversity 101: Inclusion Index
Diversity 101: Key Concepts Why do you think it is important to create a Diverse and Inclusive workplace? For your organisation? For you as leaders? Where do you see Diversity and Inclusion working well in your organisation?
Diversity 101: The Diversity & Inclusion Journey
Diversity 101: Engage Men WHY ENGAGE MEN IN GENDER EQUALITY? In short, men are part of the problem of gender inequality and so they are therefore a crucial part of the solution.
Diversity 101: What’s in it for men?
Diversity 101: Inclusive Leadership
Diversity 101: Questions