Chapter 1 Setting – Maycomb, small town southern America Tone of mystery How did Jem break his arm? Who is Boo Radley? Is he a monster? Atticus Independent (left family business) Fair (listens to both sides of children’s arguments) Respectful of all (including children)
Chapter 2 Social Hierarchy School System is mocked Cunninghams Ewells Miss Caroline and Scout’s reading Outsider who doesn’t understand Maycombe
Chapter 3 Mystery of Boo Radley Scout’s lessons Guests deserve respect (Calpurnia) Understand others by seeing from their perspective (Atticus)
Chapter 4 Mystery of Radley’s Prejudice Gifts in tree (infer this is Boo; is he a monster?) Tire episode (Scout hears laughter inside the Radley house) Prejudice Play the Boo Radley game Atticus forbids them from doing this
Miss Maudie Open minded Respectful of children and Radley’s (calls Boo Arthur) Enjoys life in the moment
Chapter 6 Mystery of the Radleys Jem grows up Jem’s pants are mended Jem takes responsibility – doesn’t want to let down Atticus
Chapter 7 Mystery of the Radley’s Scout matures Gifts in the tree Mr. Radley blocks the hole Jem cries at loss of friendship and Arthur’s unfair isolation Scout matures Patient and understanding of Jem Puts herself in his shoes Jem tells her about the pants
Chapter 8 Prejudice Mystery of Boo Radley Mr Avery’s snowman Atticus makes them change it Mystery of Boo Radley Boo provides blanket during fire Scout is still frightened (immature) Jem tells Atticus about Arthur (mature)
Chapter 9 Prejudice Parenting Methods Courage School children tease Scout about her father’s case involving Tom Robinson Atticus warns Scout she will hear some nasty talk and encourages her to fight with her head, not her fists Scout does not understand Francis calls Atticus a “nigger-lover” and Scout hits him Parenting Methods Jack spanks Scout without hearing her side of the story Jack avoids answering Scout’s awkward question Atticus says to answer kids’ questions and listen to both sides Courage Atticus takes Tom’s case despite the opposition of the town Scout tries not to fight
Chapter 10 Ageism Courage Mockingbirds Jem and Scout feel Atticus is too old to do anything Courage Atticus confronts the rabid dog Atticus is peace-loving and avoids using guns Mockingbirds Atticus refuses to teach them to shoot If you must shoot, never kill a mockingbird as they only sing and do no harm Mockingbirds in the novel – Tom Robinson, Boo Radley
Chapter 11 Prejudice Courage Mrs. Dubose mocks Atticus to Jem Jem assumes Mrs. Dubose is just a cranky old lady for no good reason Courage Jem reads to Mrs. Dubose every day (somewhat unwillingly) Mrs. Dubose is trying to kick her morphine addiction and die clean showing courage Courage is not a man with a gun but to fight for what you believe even when you no you cannot win Atticus also takes the Robinson case because he has courage