CAM3.5 Model and Intraseasonal Variability Changes Rich Neale and Jadwiga (Yaga) Richter MJO Workshop November 2007
Modifications CCSM3->CCSM3.5 Provide the best model for biogeochemistry spin-up CCMS4 will be very different Deep Convection Convective momentum transports (Richter) Dilute instead of undilute plume calculation (Neale) Cloud Fraction Polar cloud freeze-drying (Vavrus) Calculation update (Park) Other Model Changes LAND -New hydrology, surface datasets, canopy integration ICE – CSIM to CICE OCEAN – ocean advection scheme Other Changes New chemistry modules (GHGs, aerosols)
Deep Convection Changes Zhang-McFarlane Scheme (1995) 1. Change from an Undilute to a Dilute Reference Parcel (DIL, Raymond and Blythe, 1986) Improve diurnal cycle over land Sensitivity to tropospheric drying 2. Introduction of Convective Momentum Transports (CMT, Gregory et al. 1997) Include a missing process Decrease excessive surface trades Couple convection and dynamics du/dt = …+d[u’w’]/dz (dq/dt = …+d[q’w’]/dz)
CAM3 + Convection Changes Annual Rainfall Error CAM3 CAM3 + Convection Changes
Annual Surface Stress Error CAM3 + Convection Changes
Taylor Diagram of Key Metrics - Improved mean RMSE by 15% Annual Cycle of Monthly Means
Intra-Seasonal Variance Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) and Kelvin Waves Deficient OLR (15N-15S) Observed (NOAA) CAM3
Intra-Seasonal Variance Improvements CAM3+CONV CAM3 CAM3+CMT CAM3 CAM3+DIL CAM3
MJO Variance Winter (November-April) OLR filtered for MJO wavenumbers (1-5) and periods (30-90days) Winter (November-April) Contour interval 20 (W/m2)2
MJO Variance Summer (May-October) OLR filtered for MJO wavenumbers (1-5) and periods (30-90days) Summer (May-October) Contour interval 20 (W/m2)2
U 850mb Lag Correlation N. Winter N. Summer
Intra-Seasonal Variance CCSM3 CAM3+CONV CAM3 CCSM3+CONV CCSM3
MJO Variance Winter (November-April) OLR filtered for MJO wavenumbers (1-5) and periods (30-90 days) Winter (November-April) Contour interval 20 (W/m2)2
OLR filtered for MJO wavenumbers (1-5) and periods (30-90days) MJO Variance OLR filtered for MJO wavenumbers (1-5) and periods (30-90days) Summer (May-October)
U 850mb Lag Correlation N. Winter N. Summer
CCSM3 ENSO nino3
Lag 0 Nino 3 SST Correlation CCSM3 CCSM3 + Convection Changes
Lag Regression Lag Correlation w/ Jan Nino3.4 SST’ Obs. CCSM3 Hendon et al. (2007) CCSM3 + CONV
Taylor Diagram of Key Metrics - Improved mean RMSE by 10% Annual Cycle of Monthly Means
Summary CCSM3.5 for biogeochemistry experiments CMT + Dilution changes dominate in the tropics Reduced excessive trades, improved precip. and mean vertical structure CAM - improved eastward propagation into Pacific, strong westward propagation remains CCSM – MJO power closer to observed, increased propagation coherence MJO disturbances have a significant role to play in improving ENSO, Neale et al. (2007)