What does teaching for deeper understanding look like?
Deeper understanding …?
Engaging? Encouraging deeper understanding?
Depth To acquire depth of understanding, you may have to accept that going backwards is the first step forwards Don’t be afraid to resort to methods perhaps more common in primary schools to help secure understanding of concepts, number bonds and fluency Furthermore, strengthening the link between feeder schools and secondary maths teams can only benefit your students
What is your starting point? Assumed Knowledge Typical Progression Deeper Understanding What is your starting point?
Multiplication – Deeper Understanding Commutative, Associative and Distributive Properties Understanding the uses of factorisation Understanding the ‘whys’ of fractional operations Understanding the origins of area formulae and applying those principles to new shapes
A Unit of Work The following slides are ideas for activities to promote deeper understanding of multiplication. All resources are available online at solvemymaths.com Use the QR code on your cards for a direct link.
Factor Multiplication Write down 20 ways to make 4000 using only multiplication
X + 25 10 20 X + 25 x 30 X + X + X + X +
10 x 2 15 x 4 5 x 3 x 4 2 x 5 x 2 12 x 6 40 x 8 10 x 4 x 8 6 x 2 x 6 11 x 22 11 x 11 x 2 2 x 10 x 20 20 x 20 11 x 2 x 25 7 x 4 x 4 7 x 16 11 x 50
40 x 50 8 x 5 x 50 6 x 14 2 x 7 x 6 12 x 11 11 x 4 x 3 18 x 18 9 x 2 x 2 x 9 24 x 32 4 x 32 x 6 48 x 32 12 x 32 x 4 I can’t do this one because... I can’t do this one because... 3 x 13 17 x 17