Vocabulaire 7.1 Français II
1 Is something wrong?
2 What’s wrong?
3 You don’t look well.
4 I don’t feel well.
5 I’m wiped out.
6 I didn’t sleep well.
7 I hurt all over!
8 I’m sneezing a lot.
9 Bless you!
10 I’m sick.
11 I’m sick to my stomach.
12 I’ve got a runny nose.
13 I’ve got a cold.
14 I’ve got the flu.
15 I have allergies.
16 I have a fever.
17 G F E A D C B
18 C B A
19 to hurt one’s ___
20 to break one’s ___
21 to sprain one’s ankle
22 to cut one’s finger
23 Ow!
24 Ouch!
25 Whew!
26 the pharmacy