Upcoming, Important Dates: 01/25/2018 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, as they apply to you: THIS WEEK: Get your blue Panther Card signed and returned! Thursday – Talent Show Rehearsal (4:30-6:00) Friday – Schoolwide Geography Bee - Wear your Converse shoes! - Glow Lunch - Garden Goods on sale $1 a bag NEXT WEEK: Mon. (01/29) – Super Hero T-shirt day - $1 Wednesday (01/31) – School Store takes orders Thursday (02/01)– Talent Show Rehearsal (4:30-6:00) Friday (02/02) – Talent Show Rehearsal - 6:00 If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 01/25/18 Novel Studies – “Maniac Magee” (3rd/6th) First, get your materials (see the dry erase board). Then, add the following item to your “Maniac Magee” T.O.C.: Then, open your I.A.N. to page 109. Read what you wrote yesterday. What score would you give yourself? How could you improve? Make the changes needed to earn a higher score. Quiz tomorrow over standards RL3 and L1. Date: Document Title: Page # 01/25 Double-Entry Journal Rubric 8
Language Arts – Warm Up 01/25/18 Novel Studies – “Walk Two Moons” (4th) First, get your materials (see the dry erase board). Then, add the following item to your “Maniac Magee” T.O.C.: Then, open your I.A.N. to page 109. Read what you wrote yesterday. What score would you give yourself? How could you improve? Make the changes needed to earn a higher score. Quiz tomorrow over standards RL3 and L1. Date: Document Title: Page # 01/25 Double-Entry Journal Rubric 6
Language Arts – Warm Up 01/25/18 Novel Studies – “Freak the Mighty” (5th) First, get your materials (see the dry erase board). Then, add the following item to your “Maniac Magee” T.O.C.: Then, open your I.A.N. to page 109. Read what you wrote yesterday. What score would you give yourself? How could you improve? Make the changes needed to earn a higher score. Quiz tomorrow over standards RL3 and L1. Date: Document Title: Page # 01/25 Double-Entry Journal Rubric 10
Language Arts – Work Session 01/25/18 Essential Questions: How can talking and working with others help one analyze a novel? How do internal and external forces help people grow? Standard: ELASE6RI1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Learning Targets: Identify claims. Elect your position on these claims. Support your claim with logical reasoning and relevant evidence.
Language Arts – Work Session 01/24/18 Novel Studies 3rd/6th – “Maniac Magee” As we read, have your double-entry journal (p. 109) out and be ready to write down the page number of a passage that stands out to you. You can come back and write the passage down later, as long as you know which page to revisit.
Language Arts – Work Session 01/24/18 Novel Studies 4th – “Walk Two Moons” As we read, have your double-entry journal (p. 109) out and be ready to write down the page number of a passage that stands out to you. You can come back and write the passage down later, as long as you know which page to revisit.
Language Arts – Work Session 01/24/18 Novel Studies 5th – “Freak the Mighty” As we read, have your double-entry journal (p. 109) out and be ready to write down the page number of a passage that stands out to you. You can come back and write the passage down later, as long as you know which page to revisit.
Language Arts – Work Session 01/25/18 Double-Entry Journals Draw a line under yesterday’s double-entry journal. Use your “Sentence Starters for Reader Response” on page 110 of your I.A.N. to help you with the personal response portion of your double—entry journals. Use only ONE SIDE of your double-entry rubric to score yourself based on your double-entry journals so far. You will be scored on these double-entry journals on Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning tomorrow! Keep your rubric in your reading portfolio folder.
Language Arts – Work Session 01/25/18 Characterization S.T.E.A.L. Work together with your tablemates to characterize a main character from your novel. S = say T = think E = emotions/effects on others A = actions L = looks Write the character’s name at the top and draw a line under their name. Then, write the acronym S.T.E.A.L. vertically (up and down) on your Post-it and your team-created answers. Post your completed Post-it on the correct poster for your novel.
Language Arts – Closing Session 01/25/18 Novel Studies – Literature Circles Complete work on your role based on what we read today. I will collect these completed sheets (front and back) on Mondays and Thursdays beginning this Monday (01/29). Double-entry journals will be checked on Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning this Friday (01/26). Quiz tomorrow over standards RL3 and L1. Homework: Complete any incomplete folder work or double-entry journals. Biblionasium – Postponed – T.B.A.