Highly Functionalized Macromolecules Based on Free Radical Polymerization of Substituted Stilbene Monomers S. Richard Turner, Yi Li, Department of Chemistry, and Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Volume (%) Size (d.nm) DLS single chain interchain aggregates We found that poly((E)-4-methylstilbene-alt-maleic anhydride) exhibited bimodal peaks on both size exclusion chromatography curves and dynamic light scattering curves Study of the volume change of the bimodal peaks with solution concentrations by dynamic light scattering confirmed the formation of interchain aggregates which opens up a new area for future research with these copolymeric systems as a route to form highly functional nanoparticles Intensity Time (min) R.I. trace SEC We prepared new polyelectrolytes with different charges and charge densities based on sterically crowded stilbene monomers. It was found that these anion and cation polyelectrolyte complexes fall apart with the addition of salt while rigid zwitterions do not Poly(cations) Poly(anions)