Automatic visitor based room light controller Presented By Yrk.Chaitanya (07j51a0416) Ch.Gopi Krishna (07j51a0422) K .Lakshman (07j51a0441)
Abstract: The project Automatic Visitor Based Room Light Controller is a method for automatic control of devices (lights, fans, or AC s). A unique architecture of occupancy sensors includes entry/exit sensors for detecting movement through doorways, Auditorium room motion sensors for detecting room occupancy. A central embedded controller communicates with the sensors and controls the devices. The present project provides a system for saving power of an Auditorium with security system. This project is designed around a microcontroller which forms the control unit of the project.
Prototype working: The main aim of our project is to control the room light automatically depending on the entry and exist of the visitor peripherals we have used are: Microcontroller. IR pairs. Relay. Power Supply.
Block Diagram of Automatic Visitor Based Room Light controller
IR TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER MODULES Technically known as "infrared radiation", infrared light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum located just below the red portion of normal visible light – the opposite end to ultraviolet.