Test Grades 90 and up = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69-60= D 59 and below… not so good
Attention US Citizens! The aggressive and foolish policies of your government will no longer be tolerated! Your country has been conquered by the great republic of Canada! This is for your own good! From this day forward your country will be part of ours, eh. Your military has been destroyed. You are helpless. Submit and recognize Canadian control of your country! You will enjoy all the benefits of Canadian citizenship: free health coverage, cheap public transportation, a clean environment, quality public schools, top quality ice hockey, and all the maple syrup you want. If you attempt to resist us, we will destroy you. Have a nice day, eh.
Assimilation To absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group. To become a part of something
Empires Large, multi-national states Many types of people living under one government Rome Han China
From Republic to Empire Ancient Rome From Republic to Empire
The Roman Republic (pt. 1) Two classes of citizens Upper class- Patricians Lower class- Plebeians Constitution- “12 Tables”
The Roman Republic (pt. 2) Consuls (Monarchy) Command army Enforce laws Senate (Aristocracy) Make laws Control taxes Assemblies (Democracy) Tribunes- veto unfair laws Dictator- emergencies only! Checks and balances
Self-Defense creates an empire Punic Wars vs. Carthage Rome dominates the Mediterranean Land, plunder, and slaves
The rich get richer, the poor… Wealthy use slaves to make more money Working class lose jobs to slaves Poor citizens depend on hand-outs from rich politicians “Bread and circuses”
Rich vs. Poor Gracchus brothers argue for reform (change) Assassinated Take from rich, give to poor Assassinated Gaius Marius- hires unemployed as soldiers Pays troops with loot Uses troops to gain power
A new type of politics Political violence becomes common Politicians use private armies for support Conquer new territory to get wealth for troops and “gifts” for the poor
Gaius Julius Caesar Successful general “Stood up” for poor Sole leader by 46 BC Killed in 44 BC
Caesar Augustus (Octavian) Julius’ adopted son Won civil wars “First Citizen” Unofficial monarchy
Pax Romana Golden Age 27 BC until AD 180 Empire expands Assimilation Succession problem