MIG-T meeting, 19th April 2016, Ispra End-user applications MIWP 2016 -2020 Discussion End-user applications 1
MIWP Work Area End-user applications Objective Strengthen the end-user perspective by promoting and developing end-user tools which allow to harvest the benefits from INSPIRE for environmental policy makers and implementers across the EU at all levels of governance. Discussion Scope EU end-user applications and tools INSPIRE Geoportal M&R system 2019 and List of priority data sets are discussed seperately.
End-user applications EU-level requirements & focus Develop (end-user) applications with added value for the EU level user (DG ENV, EEA, JRC, ESTAT and others) that allows easy access to national spatial information through the INSPIRE infrastructure so to make use of this information. Demonstrate the added value of applying INSPIRE for reporting and other relevant information sharing at EU level. Ensure that the projects result in concrete outcomes which are envisaged as a follow up to the Fitness Check on Environmental Monitoring and Reporting and thereby help streamline the future process of reporting under EU legislation (e.g. Monitoring & Reporting 2019) Type of applications A portal for environmental pressures An EU level platform to facilitate access to environmental data generated in the context of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directives (EIA-SEA platform).
Geoportal integrated in INSPIRE website The current INSPIRE geoportal is mainly an instrument for INSPIRE compliancy validation processes (connection to the geoportal, metadata, monitoring …) and offers limited functionality for non-specialized end-users. Geoportal integrated in INSPIRE website Portal frontend focusing on end-users Satisfy the primary publish-find-bind needs as envisaged in the Directive and link to national portals. Users can search metadata, visualize the data in a viewer and download the data for use. All end-user apps are accessible from the frontend. Validation and M&R applications The functionality for compliance assurance and validation that is currently available in the geoportal should be continued and improved as part of the project "INSPIRE Monitoring & Reporting 2019". Other functionality & applications How to make INSPIRE data and services discoverable by WSE (google, bing …) - Pan-european searches … Environmental pressures