MathAmigo Your Helping Hand
What is MathAmigo? K – 8 Math Software for Handheld Technologies and Computers
The MathAmigo System MathAmigo has two parts: 1. MathAmigo Manager 2. Activity Machines
Classic MathAmigo Palm PDA and Alphasmart Dana Types of Activity Machines Pocket PC Desktop, Laptop and Tablet PCs
A Self Contained Classroom MathAmigo Manager runs on a PC Activity Machines includes any computer or portable device
Portable Set Ups Locate MathAmigo Manager anywhere in the school Laptop or Dana carts, portable packs of handhelds or Classic MathAmigo Machines
Computer Labs Use in standard computer lab set ups
Network Connect Manager and Manager access machines across your school
Using Activity Machine Shared Mode Individual Mode
Your Helping Hand Flexibility: MathAmigo supports the way you work and provides you with an anywhere anytime mathematics learning tool.