Teaching Research Skills Using the Internet


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Teaching Research Skills Using the Internet DuKane School Library Institute March 3, 2006 http://21cif.imsa.edu

What was the last thing you searched for on the Internet? Did you find it? How long did it take? Were you totally happy with the answer? When your students ask you a question about their Internet searches are you comfortable with your answers?

21st Century Information Fluency The goal of this program is to build the capacity of librarians, educators and students in Illinois to Locate Evaluate Ethically use digital information resources Funded by a Grant from the US Department of Education, Funds for the Improvement of Education Envisioned as a 3-5 year project to work with 1200 Middle and High Schools in Illinois. We are now in our 4th year Create a National Model

21st Century Information Fluency Information Literacy can be defined as “the ability to locate, evaluate and use information” 21st Century Information Fluency is a sub-set of Information Literacy that is the combination of aspects of Information Literacy and Technology Literacy that people need to locate, evaluate and use digital information resources - efficiently, effectively and ethically We call it “fluency” rather than “literacy” to emphasize that the abilities involved are more than basic abilities Traditional Library Skills Technology Skills

Challenges to K-12 educators in a digital age Vastness of Digital Resources Quantity over Quality Digital Immigrants teaching Digital Natives Both groups struggle to find information they need and to evaluate its worth Ability to Evaluate a Credible Website Information Source Stored .03% 7.75% 92.22% "How Much Information? 2003”, ([cited 30 July 2004]); available from World Wide Web @ http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-much-info-2003/execsum.htm#summary

Does This Look Like Help? Research Tools, Examples, and Challenges for Students Learning Events for Educators Sharing Information and Facilitating Discussions Between and Among Educators on How to Teach and Integrate into Curriculum

-Featured Items -Digital Information Fluency Model -Left Side Drop Down Menu always in view -Login ONLY required to update -Everything (that is ready) is available to you to read, download etc.


-Expanding Hierarchical Menu always in view

Learning Experiences for Educators Online Courses Workshops Online Webinars

Funding Status Our grant has not been renewed for the FY07 Year We are funded through 6/30/06 It is IMSA’s intent to keep the project and the website running We must focus on finding new funds to keep the project alive Since 2002, We have received 4 grants, each of which spans 2 calendar years such that they overlap The current grant expires 6/30/2007 The money is not spent equally over the 2 years– the major portion is spent in the first year

Funding Status (Continued) We are looking at alternative Government and Corporate grants, but the lead time frames are long Therefore we are looking for ways to be self-sustaining We are looking at a subscription model Monthly or Bi-weekly newsletter, and access to website materials National/International Audience Target ~$50 per person per year

Contact Us!

Learning Experiences for Educators Online Courses 12 Week Lab Course 6 Week Survey Course Workshops Online Webinars

12 Week Online Lab Course Participants completing the course qualify for 3 Graduate credit hours from Aurora University ($275 fee payable to AU.). Covers the knowledge, skills & attitudes to locate, evaluate and integrate We ask you to find an 'offline' teacher partner who can earn 10 CPDUs by collaborating with you on the course project. Create a Lesson Plan Execute the lesson and write an Action Research Report Requires ~10 hours per week of work Scheduled when enough people on Interest List Send email to 21cif@imsa.edu for join interest list Online & Asynchronous = class does not meet at a fixed time. You do your work when you like within weekly boundaries

6 Week Online Lab Course Participants completing the course qualify for 36 CDPUs. Covers the knowledge, skills & attitudes to locate, evaluate and integrate We ask that you work with a school partner while taking this course. Partners may take the online course together. Another option is for one partner to take a 6 hour 'offline' role while the other partner participates fully. (The offline partner can earn 6 CDPUs for their work.) Create a Lesson Plan Requires ~6 hours per week of work Scheduled when enough people on Interest List Send email to 21cif@imsa.edu for join interest list Online & Asynchronous = class does not meet at a fixed time. You do your work when you like within weekly boundaries

Learning Experiences for Educators Online Courses Workshops Internet Power Searching Skills Building Digital Information Fluency Skills into Schools Online Webinars

Internet Power Searching Skills This is a full day workshop for which participants earn 7 CDPUs This is an skill-building workshop on Digital Information Fluency Participants accelerate their skills by learning: How Internet search engines work, Techniques for saving time while searching, How to search the “Invisible Web”, How to evaluate Internet resources, Citation methods and copyright guidelines for using online materials Serves as an introduction to our website, online resources Access online tools to capture, organize and use digital resources to create web-quests Designed for Media/Technology Specialists and Teachers This is a face-to-face, hands-on lab. Sessions are scheduled throughout the state. We will schedule it on-demand for a School or District (half-day version 4 CPDU is available)

Building Digital Information Fluency Skills into Schools This is a full day workshop for which participants earn 7 CDPUs This workshop provides a context to dialogue and work with colleagues to address the challenges and opportunities related to moving schools towards teaching digital information fluency (DIF) skills Hands-on activities address: acquiring administrative support fostering collaboration between teachers/librarian aligning DIF skills with NCLB and state and national standards developing a scope and sequence for teaching DIF skills Participants use a planning guide to create a framework for taking the next step toward integrating DIF skills into their school curriculum Designed for Administrators, Media/Technology Specialists and Planners This is a face-to-face, hands-on lab. Sessions are scheduled throughout the state

Learning Experiences for Educators Online Courses Workshops Online Webinars

Online Webinars Online - attend from Home or School on your computer Synchronous – scheduled after school ~3:30 Explore ways to search the Internet more effectively. Experience free tools and game-based Search Challenges that are designed to help educators who teach Internet search strategies in the classroom Participation by teams of at least three people at each school is recommended. Teachers, librarians, and administrators are invited to attend together and interact with colleagues at other locations in the state New!