ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: RAMMS R EMOTE A DVERTISING M ULTI M EDIA S YSTEM
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: I NTRODUCTION Shopping centers have become one of the hubs of social life, because they offer other ways of spending free time besides shopping. With so much on offer, the consumer may have a difficult time finding the needed information and the best bargains. With its wireless technology, RAMMS fills the gap that other advertising media have left. It enables consumers, to find special offers and important information about the store and its products, on the point of purchase in a new and different way, which makes even the most jaded consumer, take notice
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: W HAT I S RAMMS? RAMMS enables storeowners and brand name suppliers to direct the interest of consumers at the moment when it matters the most, on the point of purchase. With RAMMS, they can be the last ones to address their customers, when they make their purchase decisions. Influence the consumers choice when and where it matters, on the point of purchase
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: C ONCEPT The main component of MMRS is the multi-channel mobile station. It can play commercials and display digital sales promotions. Several different messages can be shown at the same time on up to four screens. The system can be operated from one central computer (Corporate Computer ). The Corporate Computer sends instructions over the internet to the Administrative Computers in the stores, which forward them to RAMMS mobile and stationary stations through WiFi.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: C ONCEPT
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: M OBILE S TATION The multi-channel mobile station is equipped with speakers, a media player and up to four LCD screens. The built-in media player can show up to four different media streams on up to four screens at the same time. One of these messages can be supported by sound. The station is mobile and is adjustable by height. Which makes integration into different store environments easier.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: A MINISTRATIVE C OMPUTER Because RAMMS communicates over the internet and WiFi, it needs an Administrative Computer inside every store. The RAMMS administrative computer is responsible for the stability, security and correct operation of the system inside each store. It also enables local control over RAMMS under its supervision.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: C ORPORATE C OMPUTER Can be a personal or a laptop computer, with a secure broadband connection to the internet, running the RAMMS Corporate software. It manages and controls the whole RAMMS system from a central location. The media content on RAMMS Stations can be updated through the Corporate Computer.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: RAMMS S OFTWARE Manages what is shown and when it is shown in each respective display on each RAMMS station. From a central location, each mobile unit is controlled without involving the local store. Is easy to use and has an intuitive user interface.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: A DVANTAGES A ND B ENEFITS It influences the consumers choice on the point of purchase. Easy integration because of the mobility and adaptability of the RAMMS Stations. A new, innovative and eye catching advertising medium. Allows the introduction of general and customer- focused advertising on the point of purchase. Ease of use.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: B ENEFITS F OR T HE R ETAILER The increased sales of promoted products give the retailer a higher contribution margin and increase its space productivity. The retailer can sell promotional space on RAMMS to his brand name suppliers and enhance their profit pool. Image building.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: B ENEFITS F OR T HE B RAND O WNERS The brand owner has an excellent opportunity to influence the consumers buying decision on the point of purchase. With dynamic advertisement on the point of purchase the brand owner can steer customers attention towards his own brands and products. The brand owner can present the competitive advantages of his products on the point of purchase.
ROBOTI c.s. ltd. Tržaška cesta 23 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia, EU Tel.: Fax: B ENEFITS F OR T HE C ONSUMER RAMMS communicates information on sales promotions, new interesting products, as well as other important information about the store to the customer in a new eye catching and non-intrusive way.