***What will be the impact on voting in the South?? ____________of 1872: All white Southern ex-Confederates can vote and hold public office. ***What will be the impact on voting in the South?? A White Southern Democrat holding his nose as African Americans go to vote
___________________ System Furnishing Merchant Tenant Farmer Landowner Loan tools and seed up to 60% interest to tenant farmer to plant spring crop. Farmer also secures food, clothing, and other necessities on credit from merchant until the harvest. Merchant holds “lien” {mortgage} on part of tenant’s future crops as repayment of debt. Plants crop, harvests in autumn. Turns over up to ½ of crop to land owner as payment of rent. Tenant gives remainder of crop to merchant in payment of debt. Rents land to tenant in exchange for ¼ to ½ of tenant farmer’s future crop.
Black & White Political Participation
Establishment of Historically Black Colleges in the South
Black Senate & House Delegates
__________ in the South?
_______ Administration Scandals Grant presided over an era of unprecedented growth and corruption. Credit Mobilier Scandal. Whiskey Ring. The “Indian Ring.”
The Election of 1872 Rumors of corruption during Grant’s first term discredit Republicans. ______________runs as a Democrat/Liberal Republican candidate. Greeley attacked as a fool and a crank. Greeley died on November 29, 1872!
___________________ of 1876 The House gave all electoral votes to Republican ____________________. The South did not mind because Hayes had secretly agreed to _______________________________________________
Redemption Governments After the Compromise of 1876, federal troops were withdrawn from the South _______________: White Supremacist governments of ex-Confederates elected with a pledge to restore the South to its pre-war glory.
Restricting the Rights of African Americans _____________: Voters have to pay a fee when they show up to vote at the polls Most blacks could not afford the tax
Literacy Tests and the Grandfather Clause _______________: This required voters to read and explain a section of the Constitution The Catch: Most blacks at the time could not read, and so they failed the test __________________: If a person’s father or grandfather was eligible to vote on January 1st, 1867, the voter did not have to take the Literacy Test The Catch: No blacks could vote before 1868
Segregation: _________________, 1892 This Supreme Court case determined that separating blacks and whites was legal, as long as the facilities were equal “________________”
________________Laws Laws passed by Southern states that separated blacks and whites in schools, restaurants, theatres, trains, street cars, playgrounds, hospitals, and cemeteries (On left) A racist depiction of blacks dancing through a field