OBJECTIVE TOPIC: Road Safety in UK Level: 4º ESO Homework: yes Skills: reading, writing, speaking
INTRODUCTION At the end of this project you will be aware of the dangers we find on the road everyday. This will be very helpful for you if you ride a bike, a motorcycle or if you get your driving license in the future. PLEASE NOTE!!!
TASK Individually, you will be asked to make a powerpoint on any topic, eg the daily risks that either bikes, motorbikes or cars run on the road in the U.K: - Accidents (statistics) - Causes of accidents - Consequences - Current or possible regulations to avoid them You should make a presentation in class and talk about your conclusions to the rest of the group
PROCESS - bikes - motorbikes - cars STEP 1. Select the means of transport that interests you most: - bikes - motorbikes - cars STEP 2. Look for information about the amount of traffic accidents last year in which your vehicle is involved (Tip: compare it with the rest of the vehicles, statistics, graphs…)
PROCESS (cont.) - physical, psychological - personal, familiar Step 3. Search on the web about different causes of these traffic accidents, please give some ideas of your own Step 4. Think about the consequences that accidents might cause: - physical, psychological - personal, familiar - for society, material costs
PROCESS (cont.) Step 5 Write about the existing measures to avoid accidents and think about possible ways to make people aware of the responsibility about driving a vehicle and the importance of your attitude
EVALUATION - use of TIC’s (ppt presentation) You will be evaluated on the basis of: - use of TIC’s (ppt presentation) - public speaking (self opinions) - cooperative work - original and interesting data and final knowledge