May the F rce be with you
Force and Motion TEKS: 8.6A Identify and describe the changes in position, direction, and speed of an object when acted upon by unbalanced forces. This means: We are going to learn about how the forces on earth create and cause the motion of objects. This means: We are going to learn about how the forces on earth create and cause the motion of objects.
What is a force? A force is a push or a pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change direction
Any movement or change in position What is motion? Any movement or change in position
The exertion of any power What is energy? The exertion of any power
A natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other What is gravity? A natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other
Balanced Forces vs. Unbalanced Force A force that is equal in size but opposite in direction A force that causes a change in the motion of an object
Engage What two forces are exerted on the ball during the demonstration? Are the two forces balanced? What happens to an object when forces are balanced? What happens to an object when forces are unbalanced?
Journal Entry Draw a labeled diagram that explains why the Ping- Pong ball falls to the table, don’t forget to include the forces that are acting on the ball.
Explore-Directions Place the marble inside the petri dish. Apply enough force to the marble to make it travel around the lip of the petri dish. Observe. Write observations in journal. Change to the plate that has a section removed. Predict what will happen when you apply enough force to the marble to make it travel around the lip of the plate. Observe. Write observations in journal
Explanation What happened to your marble in the petri dish? What happened to your marble in the plate with a piece cut out? What balanced and unbalanced forces were involved in this investigation?
Explanation/Note taking
Elaborate-Card Sort Energy Force Motion Unbalanced Force Gravity
Evaluate-Exit Ticket What did you learn about energy? What did you learn about forces? What did you learn about motion?