Stakeholder Summit Session 4: Aspirations March 22, 2018
Agenda Purpose Generate the foundational elements of a strategic plan through an engaged process Session 1: Vision, Mission & Values Session 2: Strengths and Successes Session 3: Opportunities and Possibilities Session 4: Aspirations
Elements of Strategic Planning The strategic map is a visual depiction of the outcomes generated by the strategic planning process being used by Wright State. Phase 1 Phase 2
Action Areas for Discussion Research Technology Entrepreneurship & Innovation Inter-unit collaboration Digital transformation of services Stewardship: Managing resources effectively Student Academic Support Services Community/Diversity/Globalization Student Life Collaboration on Curriculum Development Course Design—Offering flexible educational platforms Globalization and International Outreach Experiential Learning Online Courses Faculy/staff development Alumni Community Partnerships (e.g. AF- military) Advancement
Open Space Vote with your feet! Work on the tasks for each topic Move if you feel like you can make a contribution to the discussion on another topic.
Tasks to work on Aspiration Statement Key Questions Next steps Stakeholders that need to be involved Individuals willing to work on the plan for this topic
Aspiration A statement describing the future, explaining what will be better or different if we successfully make progress in this action area. Example: Navy Summit
Most Important for Today Aspiration statement for each area Questions that need to be addressed Stakeholders who need to be involved Potential leaders to move the action forward
Values: Something viewed as worthy of aspiration Character-Focused Values: Virtues that are necessary to the well-being and success of the organization Mission-Oriented Values: Objectives or actions that are central to the university mission or purpose.
Topics for Action Areas The Student Experience Academic Life Student Life Enrollment Organizational Culture Faculty/Staff Well-Being and Effectiveness Research and Technology Development Research prioritization Technology and Innovation transfer Partnerships and External Support Alumni Advancement Organizational Efficiency Streamlining processes Inter-departmental collaboration and service Re-organization Teaching and Learning Online education Teaching capabilities Curriculum and Programming Interdisciplinary programs
Mission-Oriented Values Providing student-centric service Valuing each person Contributing to society Helping people to develop and grow Providing hands-on education
Character-Focused Values Collaboration Grit Pride Integrity Innovation Visionary leadership Compassion Drive Flexibility
Group Discussion Values Go around the table and share your top values Select three values to represent the table Write the value in large bold letters, along with a definition in smaller print Mission Statement On a 4X8 card, propose a mission statement
Final Reflection What did you learn about or see today? What is your hope now?