Tania Sheldahl Scott Farnsworth Molly Beauchman
Current (Old) Community College Educational System Open access Maximize course enrollment Core functions NOT coordinated – academics and support Third bullet Advisors don’t know particulars of a program Faculty don’t know the details of transfer, AGEC or what universities accept.
What is Pathways? Start with the End in Mind- Career Structured onboarding processes Clarify and Direct Choices Meta-Majors Academic and non-academic milestones
Why Implement Pathways? Simplify choices Completion & transfer Provide wrap around supportive services We have a responsibility to our students Paralysis by analysis, too many choices stifles decisions Many students are not familiar with Higher Education lingo, processes, confused, rely on limited or faulty information Both National and our own data show that we have poor completion We can do more to support students, we have the programs and the data that shows what works.
Yavapai College (YC) Data 11% - Normal time Program Completion (Source: IPEDS) 19% - 150% of normal time program completion (Source: IPEDS) 24% - 200% of normal time program completion (Source: IPEDS) 77% of YC credit students part-time (Source: YC IER) 63% of students are degree seeking 54% of students are 18 to 24 57% of students are Pell eligible
Our Journey Fall 2014 – Vincent Tinto at Convocation- Student Retention & Progression Summer 2015 ELT read and discussed: Redesigning Americas Community Colleges Fall 2015 – College introduced to: Guided Pathways @ Convocation Summer 2016 –Pathways Steering Committee assembled
Our Journey January 2016 Dr. Robb Johnstone –Keynote on student success and completion. Input sought from faculty and staff on key decisions for Pathways Meetings with Areas of Study Sub-Task committee work for implementation Parallel work on student wrap around services across the continuum
Steering Committee Established 2016 2 Co-chairs- Associate VP for Student Services and Assoc. VP for Student Success/Academic Dean Curriculum Chair- Faculty Assessment Director- Faculty IT Dean of Instruction Faculty President Student Curriculum/Articulation Coordinator CTE Faculty Program Director Gen Ed Faculty 2 Advisors Marketing Director Deans and Assoc. Dean Administrative staff Representatives from key areas Additional Faculty Additional Students Nice to have large committee for heavy lift
Pathways Goals Higher Completion Rates Increase number of degrees/certificates completed Increase transfer rate Efficient Completion Less credits to completion Less semesters to completion Clear Direction to Program Increase # of students declaring their major by 15 credits Website adjusted to identify paths to completion
Initial Charge for Committee Create Meta Majors Areas of Study Establish benchmarks for the implementation of pathways Copied others, used bits and pieces, constant revisions Design web page templates for each program Tangible starting point Establish deadlines Need to have deadlines, sooner versus later Communication, Communication, Communication Never enough communication
Concerns to Address for Implementation Prepare to Answer Concerns Confusing, different definitions, expectations How does this affect me and what I do Change from traditional higher education model Limiting a student’s choice in classes Recommendations vs. Requirements Winners and losers -Simplify course sequence
Finances for Implementation 0, nada, none – First Two Years! We found people who recognized the issues and were passionate about making a change. FY 19- $47K set aside for Pathways work We anticipate future budget reallocations
Website Redesign – Old Home Page
Website Redesign – New Home Page
Visual Pathway Work Session (Spring 2017) Facilitated by Visual Pathway Subcommittee (Academic Dean, Assessment Director, Curriculum Coordinator and Committee Chair, Gen Ed Coordinator, Faculty Association President) Work Session Goals Work Session Results Create a degree progression plan that includes: Sequence of Gen Ed and Degree courses Common first term for Degrees in the Area of Study Important activities Link to YC Catalog
Academic Reorganization 7 Divisions went to 3 Divisions Master Scheduler General Education Categories reviewed and reorganized
General Education Current AGEC-A Requirements Future AGEC-A Requirements College Composition ( 6 credits) Numeracy ( 3 credits) Historical Perspectives (3 credits) Critical Thinking ( 3 credits) Science ( 8 credits) Arts & Humanities ( 6 credits) Behavioral Science ( 3 credits) Social Science ( 3 credits) College Composition ( 6 credits) Numeracy ( 3 credits)edits) Science ( 8 credits) Arts & Humanities ( 6 - 9 credits) Behavioral & Social Science ( 6-9 credits) Other (0-6 credits)
Second Year Accomplishments & Priorities 2017/2018 Developed Mandatory First Year Experience/Academy Develop Student Tracking (CRM) Reorganization of Student Development Align High Schools to YC Pathways Align Gen Ed block w/ Pathways – In Progress Align University Pathways/Partnerships – In Progress
First Year Academy Eligibility Full-time degree-seeking student (12+ credit hours) U.S. Citizen/legal status AZ resident Requirements Complete STU101 in 1st eight weeks in Fall Student Engagement Activities Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA or better Benefits 48-hour priority registration Tuition freeze
Metrics How will we know if we are successful? Short Term Outcomes Long Term Outcomes Credit Momentum by term and by year Gateway Math and English completion Retention term to term and year to year Time to degree (number of terms) College level course completion in first year Earned hours compared to required hours for certificate/degree Number of students transferring to AZ university Number of credits transferred at university entrance Increase in degree completion at YC prior transfer
Future/Next Steps Alignment Implementation Taking the third year for implementation time Common 15 CH for each school (Area of Study) Ask- How can we improve High School to Pathways General Education to Pathways YC to University Pathways- Jr. status
Take Aways Top down & bottom up- need champions across institution Does Pathways implementation change what you do or is it just one more thing to do It’s hard work that is iterative Get as many as you can involved- committees, sub- committees, workgroups, task forces, etc. Make it yours
Questions and Discussion Contact Information: Tania Sheldahl - tania.sheldahl@yc.edu 928-776-2128 Scott Farnsworth – scott.Farnsworth@yc.edu 928-776-2234 Dr. Molly Beauchman – molly.Beauchman@yc.edu 928-776-2341