Introverts & Extraverts Hello, everyone! My name is Anastasia Vlasova, I work as a Personal Assistant to Country Manager at Eaton company. Today I’m going to tell you about the Introverts and Extraverts – what make them so special, so different from each other, what drives them, what leads them to success by Anastasia Vlasova
Looks familiar? Does this REALLY look familiar to you? Who are you in this video? How do you feel in this kind of situations? Actually I’m very much like the guy here.
What are the BIG problems with Introverts & Extraverts? So what are the big problems with them? Why do we quite often find ourselves in the situations like this? Why is it that I want to watch the TV, while you are dying to tell me about everything that happened to you during the day. And I don’t wanna hear about that, ok? I’m trying to relax. BTW, you are trying to relax, too!
Stereotypes Misunderstanding Poor results PROBLEMS Stereotypes Misunderstanding Poor results The core issue of many problems (and this one is no exception) are stereotypes. Stereotypes that are roaming our minds and blur the true picture. We have lots of stereotypes about ourselves, about people around us and it’s very hard to get rid of them. These false ideas lead to misunderstanding. Since we have a false portrait of others we get the wrong ideas of what they are saying, doing. And this evolve into poor communication. Which in its turn evolve into poor results.
Stereotypes Extraverts are believed to be the kings and queens of parties. They cannot stand a minute alone and always have crowds of friends and acquaintances around them to hang out. Meanwhile introverts seem to live the life of hermits who are deep in their thoughts all the time. While their recharging schemes are different from the extroverts’. This is one of my favourite ones – many people are 100% sure that being extravert is definitely better than being an introvert. Just because it’s better. BTW my best friend thinks this way, too. And one more about the introvert – people think that all introverts are shy. Just because they are introverts. Any more examples of stereotypes you have?
Misunderstanding Since we quite frequently attribute false traits to the portrait of ourselves and those around us – we might take the words and actions of other people in the wrong way. My extraverted friend used to think (before I showed her this presentation) that, for instance, that I don’t want to talk to her because I’m angry with her while I just needed some time on my own. For many years I’ve had the idea that I’m an aloof and hermit-like person who just doesn’t know how to make friends and does not want to hang out every Friday evening because I’m shy and reserved. I saw my few very close friends as my occasional success in my ability to make friends and hang out.
Poor results All the mentioned above quite naturally and evolve into poor results (unfortunately). Which hinders our progress both at workplace and in the personal life
Are there any SOLUTIONS?
SOLUTIONS Know Treat Achieve! Know the true picture Treat yourself and others properly Achieve great results – together and on your own! Let’s see in detail how this works
ENERGY E I Energy goes inward Accumulates energy Energy through solitude Energy goes outward Spends energy Energy through socializing Though the differences between extraverts and introverts are numerous basically they can be divided into three big aspects: Energy, Processing circumstances, focus Int concentrate on their inner world – feelings, emotions, thoughts and ideas. While at work they prefer concentrating on a project/task rather than discussing it at a brainstorm meeting. Extraverts tend to exhibit an opposite mode of behaviour. Their energy goes outward. That means they are greatly interested in everything that happens around them – in the external world. People, events, objects. They want to be involved in everything around them. Introvert accumulates energy – by reflecting, observing, thinking. It’s their natural way of living. While an extravert’s energy goes to the world, to the objects of his or her interest. It does not mean however that it is wrong to do so. It’s an extravert’s way of living. If an extraverted person does not channel one’s energy outward he will explode. Introvert gets energy through solitude. And he does so through spending time on one’s own. One the next slide you’ll see why this happens. Extravert gets energized through socializing. Interacting with other people gives him energy. Still please remember that even extraverts need some time and space on their own to recharge – permanent socializing will drain them, too.
PROCESSING CIRCUMSTANCES E I Needs little external stimulation Thought-action type Prefers consistency Needs more external stimulation Action-thought type Seeks novelty and adventure Due to the different amount of the dopamine hormone in their brain introverts and extraverts have different basic rate of arousal. Introverts do not need much to happen to them/around them to experience a higher rate of arousal. They are stimulated easily. While extraverts needs more external stimulation – events, people – to experience the same amount of emotional arousal. Introverts carefully think over the idea, situation, circumstances and only then express their opinion. While extraverts tend to act first and then think. For example they develop ideas through talking. If they say something that does not mean that it’s a final version of what they actually mean. While introverts’ opinion very likely will be a well-honed point of view/thought. Consistency and predictability are one more preference of introverts. They are likely to fall out of their comfortable zone in case of unexpected changes. Extravert always seeks novelty and adventure to make one’s rate of arousal higher. An extraverted person is more likely to change jobs, volunteer, new people, they are quite often into some extreme sports. Fear of inducing negative feelings Does not care about others’ feelings and negative feedback
FOCUS E I Values depth of experience Expert on one or two subjects Values breadth of experience Seeks variety Introvert prefers depth of experience. Usually people of this type are experts on a few subjects. They have few friends but very close ones. They do not like small talk. They try to get to the core of the issue, understand each and every aspect of the matter. They ask Wide range of interests. Extraverts like to be involved in various activities, however they do not always possess profound knowledge on the subject.
Introvert-Extravert Continuum You can be anywhere on this line Remember that there are no pure Introverts and Extraverts (I mean among ordinary people). We all are able to exhibit the traits of both types – it’s the ratio that differs. Sometimes an introvert shows some characteristics of an extravert – and vice versa. Don’t let yourself fall victim to the so-called hidden stereotypes – like introverts don’t like talking. I LOVE talking and love being at the center of attention. THOUGH I have to be 100% sure that people really want me to be the center of attention otherwise I will turn into a classic introvert and. Extraverts also need some quite time on their own to recharge – though such a period will be much shorter than that of an introvert.
Treat Once we know who we are (hopefully!) and at least have some understanding of the people around us let’s see how we can facilitate interaction between the two types.
E I Give them time to respond Ask for ideas Provide for individual time Give time to get to know you Allow to think out loud Offer information Provide opportunities for interaction Show your involvement
Treat others the way THEY want to be treated
Achieve! Now that we have learned so much about ourselves and those around us we know that we can achieve great results regardless of our type.
Introvert or Extravert PA? What is your vision? Picture an ideal environment for an Introvert and an Extravert PA?
PERFECT ENVIRONMENT E I Independent workstyle Time and space to recharge Opportunity for in-depth analysis Lots of interaction Involvement in various activities Openspace workplace
It’s not about the goals you achieve It’s about the WAY you achieve the goals
Thank You! Please feel free to contact me at: What is your vision? Picture an ideal environment for an Introvert and an Extravert PA? Please feel free to contact me at: E-mail: LinkedIn: