Myers – Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI ) The personality inventory . 2011
The term Myers – Briggs comes from the mother daughter team of Kathy Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. They developed this scale to assist women who were interring the workforce for the first time during Word War II. There work was founded in Carl Jung’s Psychological Types.
How it works There will be four personality categories provide. Each category will have two available choices. Each choice will have a key letter attached to it for identification. At the end of the exercise every one will have their own unique four letter personality code. Example ( ESTJ ) or ( INFP ) and so on …………..
Extraversion ( E ) versus Introversion ( I ) How we interact with others
Extraversion (E) Extraverts require others around them in order to charge their batteries. They have a continuous need to reach out and be connecter with others…parties/cell phones. The are action oriented !!!! They act first and think later They think on the fly and wing it if they have too. Less afraid to take a risk. They have a need to explain their learning in class…..talkative !!
Introversion ( I ) They can be social but require alone time to recharge batteries. Introverts take the time to smell the roses and understand the world. They tend to be “thinkers” and reflect upon their actions. They will often think long and hard before acting on any idea. Will not take the risks that extroverts do. They think first and may never act later.
Now choose ( E ) or ( I )
Sensing (S) versus Intuition (N) How we process the information around us.
Sensing (S) They engage information from their 5 senses … smell/touch/taste/ hearing/seeing. Sensing people rely on the facts more then feelings…..distrust hunches! They are “detail originated“ and analyze info. They have to see and experience it to believe or understand it.
Intuition (N) They seek out patterns of information and gather their facts from a number of resources. They are open to hunches and will often go with a gut reaction ! “ the 6th sense “ They will follow flashes on insight that pop into their heads. If it feels right they will do it …. Facts are not as important.
Now choose (S) or (N) Sensing Intuition
Thinking (T) versus Feeling (F) How we make decisions
Thinking (T) Thinkers are the kind of people who make decisions from a detached stand point. They are not emotionally involved . They base their decisions one what seems reasonable. They will likely stick to the rules….enjoy structure and guide lines to follow.
Feelers (F) Feelers feel their way through any situation. They use empathy as the decision making tool. They like to insure a balance of view points. Social harmony is important. Considerate of others peoples needs. They become more personally invested .
Now choose (T) or (F) Thinkers Feelers
Judgment (J) versus Perception (P) How do we deal with situations/issues
Judgment (J) Judging people are decisive and well prepared. They focus on completing the task! They take action quickly…at times too quickly! “They plan their work and work their plan”. Their motto is “ Just do it “. They are not time wasters.
Perceptive (P) Perceptive people are curious and less rigged in their judgments. They will want to experience many things at once. They may begin many tasks but have difficulty seeing any of them through!. “Dead lines are meant to be stretched “!! Their motto is….” but on the other hand “….
Now choose (J) or (P)
* Save your results for your portfolio and future assignments. *There are only 16 possible code combinations. In am an (INFP) at home and (ENFP) at work *This list will assist in providing you with some insight as to how these link to a profession. * Save your results for your portfolio and future assignments. ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers ESTJ - The Guardians ISFJ - The Nurturers ESFJ - The Caregivers ISTP - The Mechanics ESTP - The Doers ESFP - The Performers ISFP - The Artists ENTJ - The Executives INTJ - The Scientists ENTP - The Visionaries INTP - The Thinkers ENFJ - The Givers INFJ - The Protectors ENFP - The Inspirers INFP - The Idealists