Personality Profiles: What do they mean? Dr. Donald K. McConnell Jr. 12/6/2018
Meyers-Briggs postulate four pairs of personality preferences Extraversion (E) vs. introversion(I) Sensors (S) vs. Intuitives (N) Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F) types Judgmental (J) vs. Perceiving (P) types 12/6/2018
Leading to 16 Personality Types ESTJ ISTJ ISFP ENTJ INFP Etc., etc. 12/6/2018
Producing four Temperament Types SJ SP NF NT 12/6/2018
Extraversion vs. introversion is Typified by this question: “When the phone rings, Do you hope someone else will answer?” 12/6/2018
Extroverts (E) Think by talking things through Are stressed by isolation Are energized by being around other people American business rewards extraversion; universities encourage introversion About three-fourths of our society is extroverted 12/6/2018
Introverts(I) Like to think things through on the inside Prefer slow transition, deliberate and thorough Are stressed and drained by dealing with lots of people Are not good participants in meetings Want to be alone when they are bothered 12/6/2018
Sensing Versus Intuitive Types Are typified by This Question: “Are you More Interested in Probabilities or Possibilities?” 12/6/2018
Sensing Types(S) Constitute about 3/4 of the U.S. population If they can’t see it, touch it, feel it, then it doesn’t exist! Consider themselves to be very practical, sensible, and down to earth Are stressed by new theories, but are good at implementing details 12/6/2018
Intuitive Types (N) Are more interested in probabilities than possibilities Are more interested in the “big picture,” than the details Sometimes are accused of having their heads in the clouds or of being dreamers Often have the gift of vision Love to think about the implications of things Tend to gravitate toward the liberal and performing arts 12/6/2018
Thinking Vs. Feeling Types Can Be Distinguished by This Question: “Which Is More Important, Laws or Circumstances?” 12/6/2018
Thinking Types (T) Have feelings, but prefer to make choices impersonally using logic, rules, and standards Typically Northerners do business as T’s Southerners do business as F’s 12/6/2018
Feeling Types (F) Prefer to make decisions by looking at the personal dimensions Are stressed by conflicts and office politics Prefer words like extenuating circumstances and “no rule works in all cases” 12/6/2018
Judging Vs. Perceiving Types Can Be distinguished in this question: “Do you like things settled and done, or do you prefer options and spontaneity?” 12/6/2018
Judging Types (J) Like closure, done and settled Prefer structured fields, like accounting and engineering Usually think that work comes before all else Need feedback 12/6/2018
Perceiving Types (P) Prefer options and the open-ended Are adaptable and good troubleshooters Deal well with chaos, and view it as an opportunity Enjoy life more, and tend to land on their feet 12/6/2018
The Phenomenon of Personality Transition in Mid Life [a. k. a The Phenomenon of Personality Transition in Mid Life [a.k.a., Mid Life Crisis] 12/6/2018
Want to Know More About Understanding Personality Types? See Please Understand Me, by Keirsey and Bates Inexpensive paper back Questionnaire you filled out is from that book 12/6/2018