Consultants’ Report Baseline values Stakeholders’ workshop Improve Agriculture statistics Statistical master Plan
Objective of the workshop Assess data and poverty information Promote dialogue between producers and consumers of statistics Develop action plan for poverty monitoring system Promote best practices in the region
Expected Outcomes A framework for effective monitoring and evaluation of MPSP Mainstreaming statistical information as one of cross cutting issue A framework for development of national statistical plan A framework for capacity assessment for poverty monitoring
Workshop Recommendations Four categories Plan for national statistical systems Poverty Monitoring plan Institutional arrangement for monitoring and evaluation Analysis and dissemination of information
Way Forward Government and other stakeholders zero in on the recommendations Meeting on Institutional arrangement Meeting on indicators Meeting monitoring master plan Once information is available meeting on dissemination
Weaknessess Chapter 6 of MPRSP not read Loss of focus on issues of the workshop Prioritise recommendations and link them to master plans
Strength of the Workshop Producer and consumer dialogue Role of NSO was spelt out Reshaping strategic plan of NSO Development of district database in context of Malawi Social Economic Data (MASEDA)
Conclusion Improve capacity in implementation, monitoring and evaluation