Usage of the Present Subjunctive
1. As commands: Leamos el poema de Rubén Darío. Let’s read the poem by Ruben Dario. Abran sus libros en la pagina diez. Open your books to page 10. This is the ONLY time the subjunctive will be used as the main verb in a simple sentence.
2. Complex Sentences There are three conditions that must be met in order to use the subjunctive: a. There must be a dependent clause introduced by the word “que” (that). I hope that Pablo goes to the dance. In English “that” is optional. In Spanish it is required!
b. The subject of the main clause is different than the subject of the dependent clause. I hope that Pablo goes to the dance. c. The verb in the main clause MUST express doubt, desire, uncertainty, emotion or command.
If one of these is the main verb AND you have Verbs/Impersonal Expressions that take the Subjunctive esperar to hope dudar to doubt negar (ie) to deny temer to be afraid querer to want recomendar to recommend gustar to like preferir to prefer es probable it’s probable es necesario it’s necessary es dudoso it’s doubtful es posible it’s possible If one of these is the main verb AND you have conditions a AND b, then you need the subjunctive.
Es posible que yo coma tacos. b. c. a. b. Example: Pablo recomienda que yo coma tacos . b. c. a. b. Example: Es posible que yo coma tacos. b. c. a. b.
If the main verb of the sentence does NOT express doubt, desire, uncertainty, emotion or a command, then use the Indicative! Yo sé que Pablo ha diseñado un rascacielos. I know that Pablo has designed a skyscraper.
estar seguro creer to be sure to believe pensar (ie) saber to know Expressions that do NOT take Subjunctive estar seguro creer to be sure to believe pensar (ie) saber to know to think es cierto es evidente it is certain it is evident es verdad no hay duda it is true there is no doubt
Example: Es cierto que el arqueólogo descifra los jeroglíficos. It is certain the archeologist will decipher the hieroglyphics. Yo creo que Marta juega al básquetbol. I think that Martha plays basketball.
BUT If there is no change of subject (ie.“que”) in the sentence, then use the INFINITIVE. Yo quiero que tú me compres un ramo de rosas. BUT Yo quiero comprar un ramo de rosas.