ISO TC64/SC4/WG2 May 2011 status
ISO TC67/SC4/WG2 Documents CD 22830 Drilling and production equipment – Control systems for drilling well control equipment and diverter systems (API Spec 16D) Current status: - Project leader has given up (confused between his roles in API and ISO) - Document back to Stage 0.0, waiting on API 16D revision (ballot expected Q1 2012) to go for a fast track adoption - 16D chairman (Brian Wright) has accepted to become ISO PL for the fast track adoption phase
ISO TC67/SC4/WG2 Documents ISO 13354: Drilling and production equipment – Shallow gas diverter equipment Current status: - NWIP (N417) vote closed on 2009-04-30 - Meeting held March 2010 in Houston to boost the project - Project leader resigned in Feb. 2011… No work done - Tried w/o success to find assistance among nominated experts - WG2 convenor wrote and completed the draft by end of March 2011, then sent to experts for comments - CD should hopefully be sent to SC4 secretary by end of June 2011 for CD ballot
ISO TC67/SC4/WG2 Documents TS 16339: Drilling and production equipment - Well control equipment for HP/HT drilling operations Current status: - Project launched as NWIP N460 on 2010-03-11 - Voting closed on 2010-06-11 - Draft completed and sent to experts for comments by end of April 2011
Future projects to be launched (2011/2012) BOP and associated equipment repair and remanufacturing Current status: - No Project Leader available Blowout prevention equipment systems for well servicing activities - NWIP to be launched in 2011
TC67 AHG - post MONTARA & MACONDO Number Title Latest edition Status Proposed ISO/TC67 action Priority ISO 13533 API Spec 16A Drill through equipment (BOPs) 2001/ 2004 API in revision Once revised by API, fast-track adopt in ISO. Review whether repair and remanufacture is sufficiently covered 1 API Spec 16C Choke and kill systems 1993 Once revised by API, fast-track adopt in ISO 2 ISO 22830 API Spec 16D Control systems for drilling well control equipment and diverter systems 2004/ 2004 API RP 53 BOP equipment systems for drilling wells 1997 In rev. under API DPO com. Once revised by API, fast-track adopt in ISO. To be Std not RP API RP 59 Well Control Operations 2006 API TR PER15K-1 HPHT Design Verification and Validation New New TR being drafted. Once revised by API, fast-track adopt in ISO as part of HPHT Well Control Equipment. Ref ISO 16339 work ISO 13354/ API RP 64 Shallow gas diverter equipment/Diverter Systems Equipment and Operations New/ 2001 ISO under drafting Once published by ISO, fast-track adopt in API 3 ISO TS 16339 Well control equipments for HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) drilling operations New Work Item Complete work in ISO. Petition API for using PER15K-1 as source