Multiple Sclerosis
What is it? Multiple Sclerosis (ms) is autoimmune, potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. The immune system attacks its own protective shield that covers the nerves that communicate from the body to the brain.
What does MS do to the body? MS attacks the myelin which protects nerve fibers When the myelin is attacked the signals from the nerves are slowed down because the myelin acts a conductor and helps to make the messages move quicker. This leads to a communication breakdown. Also, once the nerve fibers are expose disease can cause permanent damage.
Is MS contagious? NO, spending time with people who have ms will not increase or decrease your likelihood of receiving the disease. Fact: People with MS often have a constant ringing in their ears and cannot hear very well.
How can a person get MS? The cause of ms is unknown. It has not been scientifically proven to run through genetics and it is not contractible by spending too much time with a person who has ms. Many scientists agree that it is a combination of social environment and genetics.
What are the early symptoms? Numbness Double vision Random pains or spasm Weakness or fatigue Depression/mood swings
What are the Later Symptoms? Paralysis Muscle stiffness or spasms Epilepsy Difficulty chewing/swallowing Speech difficulties Problems with memory/thinking Pain when moving Impaired vision Fact: Some people with MS have compared the feeling they encounter in their limbs to the feeling of your legs “falling asleep.”
Treatments There are many forms of treatment, but no cure. Treatment can be received through self-injection, pills, and Iv infusion. Fact: People with “MS” can sometimes have “attacks” where they lose all feelings in their legs and collapse.
What does the Treatment do? Treatment can… Reduce the number of relapses Reduce the severity of relapses Reduce the area attacked by ms Can delay the progression of ms Fact: When the weather is very hot or cold people with MS’s symptoms get worse and it can be much harder to move.
Helpful Orginizations National Ms society Ms association of America Myelin repair foundation Fly for ms Ms society- one of leading orginizations trying to find a cure for ms. Host walks and orginizations to get their money. Msaa- also raise money, instead try and help people who have ms and may need money for treatment or other reasons. Myelin repair foundation- funds basic research and has gotten as far as testing their medicines on animals Fly for ms- fly all over the world raising awareness about ms. They also hold clinics in 3rd world countries to test for MS and possibly help treat it.
Works Cited "Home." National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Ms Society, 29 Mar. 2017. Web. 05 Apr. 2017. <>. "Receive Email Updates." MSAA: The Multiple Sclerosis Association Of America. MSAA, n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2017. <>. Mayo Clinic Staff Print. "Overview." Mayo Clinic. N.p., 01 Apr. 2017. Web. 05 Apr. 2017. < conditions/multiple-sclerosis/home/ovc-20131882>.