P4 SPM 20 Jan 2017 C1.2 ROE – Staff Values Expectation practices and programmes Role model of TLC – Staff outcomes School improvement plan
School Leaders Principal : Mrs Ong –Loh Jia Miin (ONG_Jia_Miin@schools.gov.sg) Vice-Principal: Mrs Lau Whee Sien (HOONG_Whee_Sien@schools.gov.sg ) Vice-Principal: Mdm Kitha Arumugam (ARUMUGAM_Kitha@schools.gov.sg)
Year Head (Middle Block) Mrs Jasmine Ng jasmine_susie_tan@moe.edu.sg Level Manager Mrs Angela Lim tay_yin_cher@moe.edu.sg HOD English Language Ms Turina turinadevi_devarajan@moe.edu.sg Mathematics Mr Peter Yeo yeo_yong_heng_peter@moe.edu.sg SH Science Mrs Malvina Lie ng_see_wei_malvina@moe.edu.sg MT Ms Sewa Duu Jong sewa_duu_jong@moe.edu.sg CCE Mr Sahren mohamed_sahren_mohd_salleh@moe.edu.sg
Cooperation A*Attitude Respect Effort leading to Success Vision The Garden where Diversity Blossoms Mission Together We Nurture For a Better Future Values Cooperation A*Attitude Respect Effort leading to Success
ST 1 : All Round Education Student Outcomes Future Ready with Strong Fundamentals TLC Academic Excellence Character Excellence Life Skills (21st CC)
Student Outcomes Future Ready with Strong Fundamentals-TLC Contributor Passionate Empathetic Leader Confident Responsible Thinker Reflective Innovative Future Ready Equip our children with knowledge and skills for life-long learning. Strong Fundamentals Inculcate sound values and character attributes that will develop the right attitude and build the desired competencies to help them to progress.
Multiple Pathways for all
Multiple Pathways PSLE University / Polytechnic JC/ Polytechnic Integrated Programme A level IB Secondary School Express NA NT Specialised school Sports / Arts NUS High Crest / Spetra University / Polytechnic JC/ Polytechnic PSLE ITE/ Polytechnic University / Polytechnic ITE/ Polytechnic
ST 1 : All Round Education Vision : “ diversity blossoms’ Talent Development Programme Cognitive Computational Thinking Thinking Curriculum - HOM EE-IPW Talent Development Learning Buffet - Education & Career Guidance Vanda Programme – Maths Olympiad, Competitions Life skills module Swim Safer Cyber wellness CCM FTGP CCA CCE Leadership Programme
Our role as partners in our children’s education Achievable Targets Set Targets to achieve outcome - Results A*Attitude Routine and Discipline to strengthen foundation Monitor computer access at home Develop learning attitude More Self-directed Counselling Learning Behavioral Support MOE Financial Assistance Attendance & Attention Regular Attendance Attentive during lessons Affirmation Effort Leading to Success Affirm effort Celebrate every success (big or small)
Effort Leading to Success As PARTNERS Co-operation Communication A*Attitude Support school programmes Respect Rules and regulation Effort Leading to Success Working with determination
‘It takes a whole village to raise a child’ Proverb