Father of creation unfold Your sovereign plan


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Presentation transcript:

Father of creation unfold Your sovereign plan Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Raise up a chosen generation, that will march through the land Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

All of creation is longing for Your unveiling power Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Would You release Your anointing? O God let this be the hour! Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go forth from here to the nations Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Ruler of the nations the world has yet to see Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

The fullness of Your promise, the church of victory Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Turn to us, Lord, and touch us Make us strong in Your might Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Overcome our weakness that we could stand up and fight Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go forth from here to the nations Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music Let Your kingdom come Let Your will be done Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music

Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music Let us see on earth The glory of Your Son Let Your Glory Fall Words and Music by David Ruis; © 1991, Grace Music