American Literature I What we READ: Literature from Native American Tradition to 1860 Lots of literary nonfiction, such as journals, speeches Some poetry- such as Walt Whitman Fiction: novels read at home e.g. Last of the Mohicans to Witch of Blackbird Pond… Scarlet Letter… Poe Drama: e.g. The Crucible, Taming of the Shrew
Skills Vocabulary- SAT words, 10-15 per week Literary Analysis- learning literary terms and applying them Writing- formal essays, short informal writing, creative stories
Role of Parents Step back- check Genesis- check for notes to parents! I will contact you if I think you can help If there IS a problem at home, contact me ASAP. Example- illness in family, ill pet, family members arriving/ leaving/ visiting, etc. Offer to give feedback on essays- don’t edit or proofread, but do make suggestions such as “I don’t see the connection you are making” “Tell me more…”
Homework Students will be reading novels at home- they should read about 20-25 minutes per night. Students will have out of class essays to write, or activities such as writing a diary for a character in a novel, dioramas, etc. Sometimes students will have to finish an assignment at home that was not completed in class.
Make up work etc. If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for finding out what was missed, completing the assignment, and turning it in within a day or two of returning to school. Extended illnesses will be dealt with as needed. Revisions are accepted on work that hasn’t been corrected by the teacher or in class. Revisions are only accepted up to 5 business days before progress reports are due/ report cards.
Everything Else 12th grade is AP… students are being prepared! Web site- syllabus and rules/policies posted on, teacher’s page. Rules Policies: ..\A stuff\RULES 2018-2019.docx Course Syllabus: ..\3. GRADE 10\2018- 2019\SYLLABUS American Literature I.docx Google Classroom used for almost all work; students have journals for in class work.
Academic Integrity Copying, cheating, using work someone else completed, having a parent/ guardian/sibling/ neighbor/tutor do work… NOT acceptable. We will use students submit work, and checks for similarity. Remind students- easier to redo an assignment than rebuild trust!
Snacks Please be aware that this is a NUT and FISH free classroom. Even though we meet at 9:00 AM, so in theory no one should be snacking, occasionally there reasons why a student might need a little something. Send a little bag of crackers, pretzels, fruit snacks etc.
So Far So Good