NOTES FROM THE 4TH GRADE TEACHERS Facts in Fourth! PUMA SPOTLIGHT SPE uses Positive Behavior Support (PBS) to encourage students to be respectful, responsible learners. Students have been earning puma tickets for following rules and expectations. Ask your child how many they have earned so far! As they continue to earn more, they will receive various awards through the office. In addition, one student from each class will be recognized as Student of the Month. Students earning this honor will be recognized at an assembly and in our fourth grade newsletter. The August Character Trait of the Month is respect. A PEEK AT THIS WEEK Reading Intro to Reader’s Workshop: choosing books, when to abandon, genre sorting, and fiction vs. non-fiction Writing Intro to Writer’s Workshop: decorated notebooks, mapping ideas, workshop model, reflection and sharing Math Intro to Math Workshop: exploring math tools, using notebooks, working in groups, and number talks Social Studies No social studies this week. Science Scientific method, safety contract, types of scientists and flower petal mini-lab Weekly Words Weekly Words start next week! NOTES FROM THE 4TH GRADE TEACHERS Thank you for attending curriculum night on Thursday! It was great to have the opportunity to explain fourth grade expectations and curriculum with you. If you have not sent in $5.00 for your child’s planner, please do so as soon as you can. Each child has one and is filling it out daily. Please sign your child’s planner each night. Thank you for your cooperation! SPE is very lucky to have a visit from mathematician, Greg Tang, on September 12th. This will be an evening event. Students utilize Greg Tang strategies and resources in all grade levels. This will be a great evening filled with knowledge and fun for SPE families! WEEKLY WORDS because crayon crown affect effect accept except our are MARK YOUR CALENDAR August 24th - Student Council Information Given to Students August 30th – Student Council Primary Elections for Officers September 3rd – NO SCHOOL - LABOR DAY September 7th – Student Council Elections for Officers September 12th – Greg Tang Night @ SPE September 14th – Spirit & Popcorn Day Facts in Fourth Grade Volume 1, Issue 1 August 24, 2018