Whose Mother am I? By Daniel and Matthew
I am a Gila Monster’s mother. Whose Mother Am I? I live in Southern Mexico. My habitat is the desert. I spit venom. I am a carnivore. No sound byte I am a Gila Monster’s mother.
Whose Mother am I? I am a bobcat. I live in Spain and Portugal. I weigh 84 pounds or more. I am the most rare if I come from Spain. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/sounds/LynxSnarl.mp3 I am a bobcat.
Whose Mother am I? I live in Northern Argentina. My habitat is the Rainforest. I save good energy. I can fly 50 miles per hour. No sound byte I am a Harpy Eagle.
Whose Mother am I? I live everywhere. I have lots of habitats. I am black and red. I am a beetle. No sound byte. I am a ladybug’s mother.
I am a spider monkey’s mother. Whose Mother am I ? I can swing with my tail. I am a mammal. I eat bananas. My biggest threat is habitat loss. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/sounds/unknown_monkey.mp3 I am a spider monkey’s mother.
I am a Clouded Leopard’s mother. Whose Mother am I ? I live in Asia. My habitat is mostly tropical rainforests. I have huge teeth. I am a carnivore. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/sounds/snow_leopard_sound.mp3 I am a Clouded Leopard’s mother.
Whose Mother am I? I am a cheetah’s mother. I can run 70 miles per hour. I live in Africa. My habitat is the grasslands. My body temperature can reach up to 105 degrees. No sound byte I am a cheetah’s mother.
Whose Mother am I? I am a prairie dog’s mother. I live in North America. My habitat is the prairie. My predators are hawks, snakes and more. I am a pest for farmers. No sound byte I am a prairie dog’s mother.
Whose Mother am I ? I am brown. I live in the USA. I have three habitats. I sound like a tiger. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/sounds/puma.mp3 I am a mountain lion’s mother.
I am a Polar Bear’s mother. Whose Mother am I? I live in Alaska. I eat fish. I protect my cubs. I have blubber. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/sounds/polar_bear.mp3 I am a Polar Bear’s mother.
Resources Zoological Society of San Diego. (2004). San Diego. Retrieved on October 15, 2008 from http://www.sandiegozoo.org/