Chief, ARSTAF Cyberspace Task Force 15 April 2009 BG Steven Smith Chief, ARSTAF Cyberspace Task Force
Integrated Security Cyber Security – Enterprise Approach Centralized Enhance the Army’s Cyber Security posture through extensive knowledge sharing, collaboration, compliance standardization and situational awareness Integrate Information Assurance and Computer Network Defense efforts at an Enterprise level Improve the ARSTAF Cyberspace Task Force’s ability to provide oversight to all Army Cyber initiatives Facilitate the capability to develop and track the Army’s Cyber Warriors by close collaboration with TRADOC, FORSCOM, SIGCEN and HRC Collaborate with AGNOSC to create an initial SIPRNET DKO-S Cyber Dashboard that gives Army senior leadership a visible snapshot status of Key Cyber and Information Assurance status by command Facilitate standardized Cyber Security products and processes across HQDA Cyber Security – Enterprise Approach Effective Enterprise Cyber Security Leverages: Enterprise Collaboration People Processes Technology Increased Response Effectiveness Enterprise Directorate Visibility is Provided Strengthened Security Posture Enterprise Dashboard Enterprise Standardization Centralized Vision & Steering Key Objective: Establish and use an Enterprise-wide risk management approach that increases LandWarNet cyber security defense by allowing decision makers to effectively balance risk cost with mission benefits 15 May 2009 America's Army: The Strength of the Nation – Army Strong
Situational Awareness is good…really …told you so
America's Army: The Strength of the Nation – Army Strong Challenges Vulnerability of critical infrastructures Banking, Finance, etc. Impact on military operations Adversaries are well trained and equipped Users are our greatest vulnerability…they are attacked 24/7 Risks posed by foreign interests/ownership of tools we purchase Need for cyber professionals Deep technical skills that cross all cyber elements Understand how to incorporate cyber operations into the deliberate planning process 15 May 2009 America's Army: The Strength of the Nation – Army Strong
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