LEARNING By Devpriya Dey
LEARNING A relatively permanent change in the behaviour through experience, practice & training.
Explicit vs Tacit Explicit Knowledge: It can be organised & communicated to others Tacit Knowledge: An individual knows but cant express/share
Law of Effect by THORNDIKE Behaviour caused Rewarding consequences is likely to be repeated whereas behaviour leading to negative behaviour is UNLIKELY to be repeated
CLASSICAL CONDITIONAL THEORY by IVAN PAVLOV Individual learns from neutral stimulus Eg: If lights of the managers cabin in ON, subordinates don’t make noise. IMP: Artificial environment can be created to control the behavior of the employees
OPERANT CONDITIONING THEORY by B F Skinner Behaviour caused Rewarding consequences is likely to be repeated whereas behaviour leading to negative behaviour is UNLIKELY to be repeated IMP: Mgmt uses operant conditioning process to control & influence behavior
SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY Individuals learn to behave as required by the society
BANDURA’S SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY People behave based on their past experience.
KURT LEWIN’S 3 STAGE LEARNING Unfreeze - Ready to change Change – Implement Refreeze – Make it permanent
MALCOM’S KNOWLE’S ADULT LEARNING THEORY: Adults are more interested in learning those subjects that have immediate relevance to their job or personal life. Experience (include mistakes) provide a basis for learning Adults need to be involved in the planning & evaluation of their instructions
KOLB’S EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING MODEL When you experience it reflects in your mind due to which you start thinking and take actions which gives you a new experience from where you learn.
ACTION LEARNING :Experiential Learning where employees are involved in a real, complex and stressful problem usually in teams. OB MOD: It is a programme where managers identify performance related behaviors & then implement intervention strategy to strengthen desirable behaviour.
LEARNING STYLES Visual---------Verbal----------Logical----------Musical---------Interpersonal (others emotions)----Interpersonal (inner emotions) Kinesthetic: Learning through moving, doing & touching Positive Reinforcement: Rewards based on performance Negative reinforcement: Showing negative behaviour for coming late to office
TYPES OF LEARNERS Action: discuss/apply/explain Sensing: memorize/patient with facts Intuitive: mathematical/grasping new concepts/innovation Visual/Verbal: remember/seeing Sequential/Global: logical steps to find solutions Pragmatist: learns from linking information to real life problems.