Magazines Sean Meagher
Magazines 2013 Review Aviation WorldAeromilitariaArchiveNews 2014 Onwards Aviation WorldAeromilitariaArchiveNews e-ABN
e-ABN? A new magazine for 2014 and beyond
What is e-ABN? e-ABN is a new Tablet version of Air-Britain News available from January Membership subscription only available online In the near future we will be releasing two Tablet Apps. The Apps are designed to work on iPads, and Windows 8 Laptops/PCs and Tablets There are no plans to discontinue the printed ABN A sample copy will be available free for download from the Apple iStore, and Windows App Store. Simply search for Air-Britain in the store
Why should I choose e-ABN? Be amongst the first to receive your ABN every month – typically e-ABN will arrive 8-10 days before the printed version in the UK. No lost copies or postal delays Once a copy has been purchased, it can be re-downloaded as often as required to the same device. You wont lose access to your copy if you delete it Whilst away from home you can download e-ABN to your iPad/Tablet/Laptop anywhere in the world, all you need is WiFi
Are there other benefits? Full colour throughout Additional colour pictures Search facility across the whole magazine Text size can be expanded to allow for easier reading
Membership rates for UK members are the exactly same as for those members who chose to take a printed ABN. Unfortunately any printing & postage savings are offset by technology costs & VAT on electronic magazines Rates are also available for subscriptions which include both e-ABN and the printed copy So how much will it cost me? Individual copies will be available to purchase, however being a member gives a discount of up to 35% on the individual price
Overseas subscribers will benefit from e-ABN arriving on the same day as UK subscribers Savings available on international postage supplements What about non-UK members?